Battle in New York

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The next day, Peter decided to just go back home. He got the earliest flight for New York. It was night time when he got back and he went straight to visit his Aunt May's.

"Oh, Peter!" she exclaimed, hugging and kissing him. "What are you doing home so early?"

Peter walked in and sat down as May went to put the kettle. "I tried to get to MJ's showing in Stuttgart, but I missed it and all the tickets were sold out. She doesn't want to see me anymore."

"Oh, dear," said May. "It wasn't jet-lag that made you miss it, was it?"

Mary Jane was the only one who knew Peter's secret identity now his best friend Harry Osborn was dead. He couldn't tell anyone else, not even his Aunt May. So he said, "Yeah, it probably was."

"You work too hard," said Aunt May. "You must learn to relax more and enjoy your life, otherwise you'll only know what you're missing after it's too late."

Imagine telling Peter that if only Aunt May knew who he really was.

Peter was walking in the city the next day. A man behind him knocked him down. Peter saw the man carrying something that was flashing blue like Loki's scepter. Peter quickly ran into the alleyway and out came Spiderman flying out. He quietly followed him all the way to Stark Tower. He saw some sort of device was being built on the platform of the building. He landed on it.

The old man came onto the platform.

"Look, buddy," said Spiderman. "Whatever this Loki has done to poison your mind, fight it! You can't do this!"

"Well, well, well," said a voice.

Spiderman sensed something and turned around. Loki was behind him.

"Am I too early for the unveiling?" asked Spiderman.

"No," said Loki. "You're just in time. Dr. Selvig is about to demonstrate."

Spiderman turned to see Dr. Selvig walking to the machine. "No, Doctor Selvig." He fired web at Dr. Selvig to stop him moving, but Loki appeared in front of him and caught the web in his hand.

Then Loki caught the end of the web and, with his scepter's power, he zoomed around all over poor Spiderman.

"How does it feel to be tangled in your own web?" Loki chuckled.

Spiderman was all covered in web from mask to boots. He tried to wriggle out but he couldn't. Loki kicked him off the balcony.

Spiderman could feel he was falling down, but even his mask was all webbed up that he couldn't see where he was going. He tried to break free, but he couldn't.

Then a piece of web caught the end of a flagpole on a building opposite Stark Tower. It caught Spiderman, but the sudden catching made the web around his throat gag him so much he fell unconscious.

Peter didn't know where he was or if he was dreaming, but, despite being in nothing but whiteness, it felt real.

"Peter," said an old man's voice.

Peter turned around. "Uncle Ben? Where am I?"

"You're dreaming again, Peter," said Ben Parker.

"Great!" Peter sighed. "I'm having some rotten luck!"

"Peter, don't give up," said Uncle Ben. "You've come such a long way."

"But Mary Jane doesn't want to see me again," Peter sniffled.

"But that hadn't stopped you before," said Uncle Ben. "Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. You can do anything, Peter. Anything."

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