A Big Break for Spider-man and Parker

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"Crap! Crap! Crap!" shouted J. Jonah Jameson as he examined Peter Parker's photos he took of Spiderman and the Avengers in the battle of New York City in his office.

Jameson's close colleague Robbie Robertson was there with them. "But, Jonah, these photos are better than any newspapers' pictures published. I mean, look at these Newspapers. He got out a copy of The New York Times, The New York Post and the Daily News.

Jameson took the copies and compared their photos to Peter's close-up shots of Spiderman and the Avengers. Peter had shot a mountain of photos, including Spiderman dealing with the Leviathans, the Hulk smashing the Chitauri, Thor lighting them up, Iron Man blasting away, Captain America deflecting with his shield and Agents Romanoff and Barton firing at will. While he was Spiderman, he secretly hit his cameras and took photos of the battle in New York.

"All right," Jameson sighed. "But I just wish I hadn't fired Edmund Bummer, Sr."

"You mean, Eddie Brock, Jr., sir," said Peter, remembering his old foe.

"You know what he did was wrong," added Robbie. "And although it didn't look good at first, I think Peter's been a great staff member since you gave him the job."

"Whatever," said Jameson. "HOFFMAN!"


Jameson jumped and saw Hoffman behind him. "What should we call these people that Spiderman has been working with?" he asked.

"Super Defenders," suggested Hoffman.

"That's crap," snapped Jameson.

"Sky Fighters?"


"Galaxy Defenders."

"Let me think... Bull crap!"

"The Avengers," said Hoffman.

"Is that the best you got? Go away."

Hoffman left Jameson's office.

The editor-in-chief turned back to Robbie. "Robbie, take all these photos, but put this one – " He held the one with Spiderman and the Avengers together on the ground – "on the front page and here's the Headline: 'Spiderman Joins New Enemies of New York City."

"It's one thing panning just Spiderman," said Robbie. "It's another to do it to six more people who saved our lives, including yours."

Hoffman reappeared through the door. "You know, one of them is Iron Man, who's the famous billionaire, Tony Stark. He could sue you for a lifetime."

"I know the risks, thank you!" Jameson snapped back at Hoffman who left again.

Jameson turned back to Peter. "Parker, I'm gonna give you your maximum pay check for this: $300."

"Make that $1000," said Peter.

"$1000!" yelled Jameson. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU – "

The buzzer on his table interrupted him. He looked into the window to see his secretary, Betty Brant, buzzing for his attention.

"Boss, your wife is on line one," she reported. "She got her eyes on a dress that costs $1000."

"$1000?" snapped Jameson. "This is the fourth dress this week, if I let her buy it. If only there was a way to – "

Then Jameson saw Peter, Robbie, Hoffman peeking through the door again and Miss Brant all looking at him. They gave him the 'Give Peter his money and break' look

"It's either Peter or your wife, Jonah," said Robbie.

"All right!" snapped Jameson, giving Peter the cheque. "Give this to the girl before I change my mind. Now beat it."

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