Chapter 2 - Meeting my Princess

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Xavier (pov)

Me and friends were on the few breaks we had from the pack meetings, and decided to play some soccer. Me and my friends weren't actually from Hollywood we were from Britain but we were own a business trip to meet up with some of the American alphas.

I am alpha of Dark shadow and the kings of werewolfs and my beta was Max and my third in commander is James. My younger brother John had tag along with us.

While I played soccer I smelled the most amazing smell, it smelt like Carmel and vanilla. It made my mouth water, and my wolf was bugging me to go towards the amazing smell. Soon after I heard a loud thump and beautiful voice say ow.

Me Max , John and James ran over to the sound and found the most beautiful and amazing girl I have ever seen in my life. She was a beautiful brown color and she had soft brown hair. She was curvy and tall. I always had a thing for tall girls. She was perfect .

When I saw John reaching for her, I quickly pushed him and picked up my mate and growled mate causing my eyes to turn black.

Everyone quickly congratulate me own finding my mate , I pick up my princess and walked her to my bed kiss her goodnight. When my lips parted from her forehead she open her eyes ,sigh in content and shift and felled back asleep.

As I walked away I couldn't wait until she was fully awake. As I sat in my office thinking of the future with my mate my brother walked in with a serious face which was ware for him.

" You know mom and dad would never approve of her"

I looked at him shaking my head yes. My mom and dad were very traditional and always thought my mate should be a werewolf and white.

But me and my brother never agreed with them. My precious mate was everything they didn't want me to have human and black. But I don't care ,even the thought of never seeing my mate made me depressed and caused my wolf to growl in anger.

" I know John but I love her so much already and I don't care about what mom and dad had to say about her.

I loved my mate and I never planing to leave her.
Jennifer ( pov )

As I made my way down the hallway I found a spiral stair case that went down to the first floor and as I went down it I heard voices coming my way. I quickly went back up the stairs and ran to my left and went into the first door I saw.

When I open my door I saw that I was in a game room with a ball pit ,a trampoline Wii, Xbox, a book shelf filled with games and a fuse ball table.

I ran over to the ball pit and hide in it. As I sat their I began to think first why was I hiding in a ball pit of all things and how crazy my night turned out to be.

I was quickly snapped out of my thought when I heard shuffling outside the door. when it open I heard the most sexy mouth watering voice.

" I know she's in here I can smell her "

" Smell "? what did he mean he could smell me I know I was sweaty but I didn't smell the bad. Again I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard foot steps come closer to the ball pit.

" I wondered where or where is my princess" ?

I couldn't help but get all warm inside when he said princess knowing who he was probably talking about.

" I wonder if she could be in the ball pit " he said sarcastically

Next thing I knew I was picked up from the ball pit and was in the arms of the fourth boy I never got a close look at.

He was more handsome than Zeus. He looked older than me ,he had smooth brown hair and all I wanted to do was put my hand through and his eyes were so blue I could swim in it. And plus he was really tall about 6'3 .

I stared into his eyes until he smirked

" I found you princess "

I tried wiggling out of his arm cause I knew I was to heavy and plus I haven't been picked up in years. I tried to push him away but he just growled and pulled me closer.

" Ummmm excuse but could you maybe just put me down"

"no" he said while his wonderful blue eyes turned black

"So what's your name princess"

" My name is Jennifer " I said shyly

"What a beautiful name, my name is Xavier"

I truthfully didn't want to let go, this man was the man of my dreams even his voice and name was dream like, and every time I look into his eyes I can see us as a family with children and when we grow old our grandchildren will come visit us and we would die together. But enough was enough I tried asking nicely so now I have to go crazy mode.

I smile my nicest most heart warming smile. he looked at me and his eyes turned back blue and he looked like he was in super happy land.

then I took the opportunity to jump out his arms and kick him in the balls as hard as I could. when I saw his hit the ground in pain I jumped over him and ran pass the cute guys I had seen earlier and out the game room. I took a right to go back to the spiral staircase and I slid down the railing. i jumped off the rail and sprinted in which ever direction my feet went

" thank you feet " I quietly said when I saw the front door

As I ran out side I notice 3 large guys in front the door. The first was the biggest guy I've ever seen his muscles were huge, the second guy had a huge scar on his face and his eyes were cold and deadly ,the last guy had muscles and a gun in his hand

Wait a gun , I turned to go back in the house but the third guy grab me by my hips and put the gun by my head.

" Xavier come out we know your in there, we have your mate and if you don't give me what I want we either kill your mate or we take your mate and do what we want with her " said the first guy

" what in the world is going on" I said looking up at the sky

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