If Simon had to get a mole removed

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If Simon had to get a mole removed

《Baz's POV》

Simon walks in, nervously twirling his fingers. "What's wrong Si?" I ask. He sighs and takes a seat next to me.

"You know the mole on my neck, the one you so dearly love?"

"Why of course. It's my favorite place to kiss you becuase whenever I do that you-"

"That's enough," He interrupts me, going red in the face. "I had a physical today with the doctors and they said I have to get it removed." He shrugs, and pats me on the shoulder in a sympathetic way. Crowley, what should I do?

I tackle him to the ground, pinning his arms above his head. "They can't remove it." I smirk, bringing my lips right above the mole. Simon has a short intake of breath as my lips make contact. Simon is mine, no one gets to take any of him away from me. No one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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