Chapter Two: Meeting Lunem

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Note: Yeah I have no excuse for not updating in literally half a year. My apologies! By the way, this chapter is happening at the same time during chapter eight of 'Miracle: A Persona Remix'. Just to not make it confusing (because I'm sure I screwed up the timeline. Also, yes I'm still writing chapter eight~). I figured that I'm only doing the Advent of the Goddess quest line. Any more and the fan fiction will go on longer than I intend it to go.

Prince's Point of View

    Letter in hand, she had no idea where she needed to go to find Duncan. Prince was apprehensive about starting her new life at least. She wasn't given much instruction and thrust into the world with a feeling that something was wrong. She shrugged and knew that thinking about it too much would give her a headache. However, something clicked in her mind upon having that thought.

    "Onii-san?" the boy touched the trunk of the cherry blossom tree with a smile. He nodded in response and the girl giggled with joy. She was holding onto his free hand and peered upwards at the tree. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom this year leaving a spectacular shower of petals around them. 

     The memory faded away and Prince found herself being dazed for quite awhile. She barely noticed that the town was beginning to awake with shops opening. Two young children passed her and she smiled at how lively this town felt. She decided to walk around town, admiring the scenery around her. Unfortunately, she bumped into someone not even an hour into exploring.

      "Ah! I'm so sorry!" she apologized to the boy near her. He seemed uncomfortable and Prince tilted her head to the side wondering if she hurt him. "Did I hurt you?" she knelt down to check the boy if he had any injuries. He didn't seem to have any.

     "O-oh um... I-it was my fault... Wasn't watching where I was going..." he sheepishly smiled which made Prince think he was adorable. 

     "Don't worry about it! Let's just agree that it was both our fault." she pat his head much to the distress of the other. 

     "E-er..." he mumbled while the blue haired girl smiled cheerfully. 

     She noticed his discomfort and decided to say something about it, "Yes?"

     "D-do you know where Duncan is? I-I was suppose to give him this letter... But I don't know where he is..." Prince visibly brightened at what he said. She wasn't alone in this after all!

     "No, but I am looking for him now. Well... I got side-tracked. Though I'm back on track now. Do you want to come with me?" the boy nodded and that made the blue haired girl more happier than anything. However before she could start moving someone else in a black cloak approached her. Their face was hardly visible from the hood concealing everything about them. "W-who are you...?" she grasped the boy's hand tightly. He looked disturbed as well. 

     "I see... You're doing well. As for who I am, I assist Nao in the lifestream. You may call me Minato." Prince recognized the voice as male and something about it seemed familiar. 

     "Nice to meet you, Minato. Though um... Is there a reason why you're here?" the hand that she was holding squeezed hers in fear. 

     The male in the cloak smiled, "Nao forgot to give you both this." he handed the two a large pouch of gold along with some food in a bag. He faced the younger boy with a gentle expression, "You must be Lunum. Do take care of Prince won't you?" the boy nodded and Minato turned around. "Good luck. You might see me around. Until then, farewell." he vanished in the blink of an eye and the world resumed moving like he was never there. 

     Prince was certainly questioning her sanity until the boy tugged her sleeve, "P-Prince? That's your name um... r-right?" she intertwined their hands together as she gave a determined look. 

    "Yes, Lunum. That's my name. Have to admit, we both have unique names." the younger of the two started to laugh quietly and she felt herself relax. She took the bag off the floor and hung it around her neck. Luckily, it looked fashionable too. 

    "O-oh the money pouch," Lunum picked up the pouch, "h-how should we split it?" the girl stared at the pouch. 

    She placed her index finger on her cheek until she figured out an answer, "I think it should be fine. After all, I don't think we're leaving each other for awhile. You're still really young and the thought of leaving you alone makes me uneasy..." she admitted to her companion. Prince realized at that moment that she really loves taking care of children. 

    The boy smiled, "Y-yes... I'm glad about that..." 

    The blue haired girl giggled in response, "Hey, no need to be shy. We've got each other's back now." she walked hand in hand with the boy as they tried to find Duncan. 

Nao's Point of View

    "So, did you give them what I asked you to?" Minato was lying on the white platform looking cheerful. She giggled at how he was failing to hide his happiness. "You're glad to see her aren't you?" he nodded and raised his left hand above his face. 

    "I'm glad she's doing well. I... guess I was worried for nothing." 

    "You'll see her again at some point won't you?" she asked to the boy with a smirk on her face.

    "Probably. Knowing her, she'll get into trouble at some point. Also that boy, Lunem..." 

    Nao was now curious about the other's thoughts, "Yes?" she asked to urge him to continue.

   "He seems like a good kid." Minato then fell asleep on the white platform. Nao gently smiled. 

    He has been working too hard lately. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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