Party Number Three

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  • Dedicado a ThePeopleWhoFanned

I got 150 followers!!!

Hip hip hooray!

So, how do we celebrate the greatest news?

How about this, let's have a big feast! We'll eat oatmeal cookies, chocolate chip ice-cream, a three layer strawberry cheese cake, and anything you want!

Vote if you're hungry!

Comment what you want to eat the most!

Add this to your reading lists if you wanna watch a movie (which I do right now)!

Above all else, fan if you haven't already, so that we can have another feast! (Ooh I hear Tigerstar's stomach growling. Eww, Brokenstar stop drooling over my place mat!)

See ya!

Juice xx

My Party Book!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora