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Tyler POV

I see a new girl in our class.

She is really cute, light blonde hair..green eyes.

I love green so much..i found myself getting lost in them, she stared at me weirdly.

Fudge why did I do that.

I quickly looked down scratching my neck.

She then gives me my schedule paper

She introduces herself..i really want to meet her.

Dakota..that's a really pretty name.

I look at the paper that she handed me..We have swimming together! Great!

I love swimming and oh I get to see her in a bathing suit sweet!

I smirk happily to myself.

The teacher begins to show us a presentation of history and what not..I am not a fan of that.

I prop my feet on the table and close my eyes, leaning back.



I say as the teacher shouts, my eyes still closed.

I hear snickers all around me, I smirk even wider.

"Get up please."

"Can you like, i dont know, make this interesting...to make poor souls like me..actually pay attention."

I say rolling my eyes.

She shakes her head and turns around and continues to teach.

From the corner of my eyes I see Dakota staring at me.

I wave, she turns around, her hair flip though...so freaking hot.

The bell rings.

Throughout the classes I wait for 5th period to come...swimming..can't wait!

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