Chapter Two - Bye Bye Birdie

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Hey you guys! I'm sorry the update is a day late, but I was writing an essay for class. :'( Es no bueno...

Anyways, thank everyone for their support and I promise the updates WILL come out on schedule over the weekend. I will let you know if anything else comes up, but I do have exams in two weeks so the schedule during that week WILL CHANGE. I'll set up my exam week update schedule in my bio for you.

Leave any comments for what you would like to see in this story(and in Rebellious Wings, but put those comments on Rebellious Wings) and I'll try my best to work them into the story. I hope you like the new chapter!



P.S. I will be answering ANY PM's sent to me, even if you just want to chat!


I gasp and drop his hand, stepping back. Nathan hides behind my leg, clutching me like I'm a lifeline.

"Hey Megs." The attacker says. "You almost hurt me with the self defense maneuver. Better be careful who's @ss I decide I'll slap."

"Shut up Taylor," I say. Filling my voice with a syrupy sweetness, I turn to Nathan. "Hey Nate, do you wanna go find Mom?"

"No. I wanna stay with you." He crosses his arms.

"If you go to Mom, she'll buy you animal crackers and take you to see the tigers." Nathan considers his options, wearing his thinking mask. I pull up the camera and try to take the picture at the same angle as the one I took this morning. If I got lucky, the photos would line up and I could cut them in half and put them together for the collage.

"I'll go see Mommy. But first you have to tell me where you're going."

"I'm going into the bird dome with my friend to take pictures."

"I wanna go in the bird dome!" Nathan whines. I quickly rush over to him and hush him so he won't cause a commotion.

"I'll take you into the bird dome after you eat lunch and see the tigers. Okay?" Nathan pouts but retreats to where my mother is sunbathing and sipping a Diet Coke. I turn to see Taylor grinning. WHat do you want idiot?"

"I wanted to annoy you. And look where we are now." I raise my eyebrow. "I also wanted to grope your . But then you tried to use self-defense on me."

"Yeah. Lucky you actually went to that one class that day. Otherwise I would've broken your arm." I start walking away. Taylor chases after me,

"Yeah, about that. Can we replay that scene real quick?"

"What?" He turns me to face the door of the bird dome. I try to peek over my shoulder but he slaps my cheek, sending the message clear. Time passes, probably a minute before I see his shadow behind me. His hand reaches forward and I grab his wrist and twist it. He writhes in pain. Taylor looks on the brink of tears, all his cockiness disappearing. 

"No groping south of the equator," I eye him and see him raising his left hand. "Or north creep." I throw down his hand and walk into the bird dome. The door closes behind me and I enter an oasis. Tropical birds of all types and colors flew around me. Blue macaws, toucans, rainbow parrots. You name it, the bird was there. I took so many pictures. I had just stole quick glance at my phone when I noticed Nathan and my mother about to exit the dome. I caught up with them, tapping Mom's shoulder. 

"Hey Megs," I cringe at her use of the nickname Taylor called me earlier. We'd been neighbors, living across the street from each other for years. He'd always tease me, yank my hair, call me names, and order me around. As we got older though, he found new words to shout at me. He'd scream "s|ut," "wh0re," and "b!tch" at me daily, his voice audible over the screeching of the neighbors children, Nathan's playmates. We've always gone to school together. He never picked on me there, but he always did small things to annoy thing. Lately, he's been bullying my best friend Insa. She's come over to my house on several occasions for emergency binge sessions and sleepovers. It's already been awful enough for her as she's painfully shy. Nathan tugs on my arm and I realize I'd dazed off into a trance. 

"Meghan. Wake up. You can't fall asleep. We're at the zoo." I rolled my head and turned to my mother.

"We're going to head home alright? Nate's tired and you look a little out of it."

"Yeah. Alright. The sky's looking a little gray too." We walk to the exit and leave. The car park is more full than it was before we arrived. Sun has heated the black interior of the car and when I reach to buckle myself into the front seat, the hot metal of the clip burns my hand. Letting out a yelp, I attempt to stiffle my movements so I don't bunp my camera on anything. I hear Nathan squeal as the hot, dark leather touches his skin. I look into the rearview mirror and see Nathan's yellow-gold hair poking up with static. His tan complexion contrasts with his hazel eyes. So adorable. The drive home  is enjoyable, and for some reason, I've never been happier to see the sign 106 Leeward Island, Clearwater Florida. We pull into the driveway of our creamish, peachish house. Standing, my knees creak from the hour long drive. I'm about to go inside when I see a figure waving at me. Taylor. He's on his front lawn, sipping fruit punch from a glass with very little ice. I shrug my shoulders and point a finger towards my mom mouthing the words 'I'll see.' He gives me a big thumbs up before taking a sip of punch and the spewing the pink liquid all over his shirt. I sigh and shake my head, wondering what I was thinking.

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