Chapter Four - Splash

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Hey everyone! If ya didn't read my bio, go do that now and then come back!

I'm assuming you've now read the information in my bio and have also noticed on my home page that it has been QUITE a while since I've updated. I just want to clear up where I was and why I wasn't writing on Wattpad. I just felt like I needed to take a break, you know? I'd just finished a giant Latin translation and I had exams coming up, along with a very important performance at Her Majesty's Theatre, so I was swamped. Also, I didn't feel creative and I felt that the chapters would be boring and would make ye not like my writing, which is something I really didn't want to do. 

Anyways, now that I'm back, I'll be updating as frequently as I can, with limitations. I'm going to a three and a half week immersion program for Spanish soon, so I may not be able to get constant updates out, HOWEVER I need you to know that I AM STILL HERE!!!(I check my Wattpad every other day, if not daily.)

Also, after those three and a half weeks I'll be spending another two weeks with my family in the U.S. so that'll also take up quite a bit of time. 

Despite that though, I will get updates out as soon as I can. Don't forget to PM any requests for future chapters and characters, and definitely let me know if you have any story ideas for my existing stories or for stories you'd like to see written.

I hope you all like this chapter!




I push open the gate to be greeted by the sight of Taylor, shirtless, lounging on a pool chair, slurping punch through a straw. He looks up and smirks, his eyes scanning up and down my body. Suddenly, I feel ashamed and under-dressed. I blush and close the gate behind me, latching it shut. I'm about to turn around when I feel two warm hands on my hips, pulling me backward. I know it's Taylor, drawing me closer. I place my hands over his and hear him chuckle.

"I thought you would've broken my arm by now."

"I don't wanna get sued."

"And you like it." I'm not expecting this so my mouth drops open. "I far I can go before you stop me." Taylor leans in, kissing my neck. I back up in an attempt to step on his foot, but he pressures me forward with a greater force. He peels my cover up off my left shoulder, and guides me to the chair he was on. Sitting me down, he kisses his way to my shoulder, sucking lightly before spinning me around. I sit facing Taylor, him kneeling on the ground in front of me. He kisses my shoulder where he was before he spun me and I tingle all over. The hair on the back of my neck stands up as his lips travel to my collarbone. I don't react, holding in the moans of pleasure pressing at my lips, wanting to escape. But they know they mustn't. When Taylor starts to move towards my cleavage, I grab his face, forcing him to look at me.


"Oh really?" Taylor smirks, diving back down. This time I yank his head a little harder than intended. "I'm going to have to punish you for that."


"Get up." Doing as told, I allow myself to be corralled in the general direction of the pool. Taylor grabs my cover up and rips it off, spinning me slightly. "Go."

"What?" This time I plant my hands on my hips. Sighing, Taylor pushes me ever so slightly, causing me to stumble back towards the edge of the pool. "I swear Taylor, if you push me in I'll murder you."

Grinning, he takes a step forward, his face menacing and mischievous. Then he stops. My arms, which I'd been holding in front of my face like protection from a sneaky cameraman, dropped in relief. That's when I feel it. Taylor's arms wrap around my waist and drag me into the pool. Underneath, I kick and fight for freedom, and once obtained, I struggle to the surface. Spitting and spluttering, I cough out the chlorine water that had seeped into my mouth. Shakily, I slither out onto the sun-smoked bricks that create the lower-level patio. I lay on my back, the patio baking my back and warming me. Despite the heat from below me and the warm summer breeze, I'm chilled, not only by the way Taylor treated me and the way I'd allowed him to get to me, but also by how I feel now. I'm so wrapped up in my thoughts that I don't realize Taylor on top of me in a push up position until his shadow covers me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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