Dunwall's Shadow (A Dishonored inspired novel)

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Chapter 2

A Job

Once I arrived back at my base, a small store that sold essentials, I was welcomed by my closest informant, Billi Foster. I had found her a few years back, before The Lord Regent's reign had begun. I had found her being assaulted by a few of my "less likely to follow rules" thieves. By the way she fought them, I knew she would be perfect for the job. After that, I convinced Billi to come and work with me as an informant. She agreed straight away. Not many peasants would refuse the offer. I trained her for a year, she quickly picked up all of the techniques and eventually became my right hand woman.

"I trust the job went well Maro?" Billi asked. I quickly retold the events of last night. "If there's anything the city watch are good at, it's being a nuisance." I agreed and told her to leave and let me cool off. I stepped into my chambers and looked around. My room was full of tiny shiny objects. Some of the upper class have taken to calling me the magpie because I steal so much shiny jewellery. Laying down on my bed, I think back to the nights events, I had gotten careless, I used the whistle too early and let the guards recover before I could escape. If I had used it while I grappled down, it might have been a different story. I pulled off my coat and untied my bandana. I changed into a polo shirt, some fancy trousers and suspenders. Pulling on my boots, I thought to myself, "Time for some dinner."

I headed down to the Ragged Haggard tavern and payed the innkeeper to get me a stew and a glass of wine. I sat down in the darkest area of the tavern and waited for my dinner to arrive when the door opened slightly and then shut again. A less observant man would not have seen the dark figure slink into the room, but I am no lesser man, I am Maro Arc, master thief and magpie of Dunwall. As I expected, he crept over to me and sat down.

"I hear you're the one to talk to if you want something stolen?"

I replied cautiously, "Who wants to know?"

"I'm no guard, don't you worry, I'm an enemy of a bloodline with strong ties to The Lord Regent."

Seven months ago, a tragic event occurred within the walls of Dunwall tower. The late empress, Jessamine Kaldwin, was brutally murdered by her own bodyguard, Corvo Attano. No one knows why he did it or what made him, but she was murdered and he was found holding a sword in her chest. He escaped a month ago and hasn't been seen since.

The man stared at me for a while and then asked, "are you going to say anything or am I wasting my time?"

"I'm the man you're looking for, who is in this bloodline?" I replied.

"Well, there are three of them and there is going to be a ball in their honour soon." He explained.

"The Boyle family? You must be joking!" I almost shouted.

"Ah! But I'm not my good sir, I am willing to pay you a high reward for getting something I need from their estate before this ball goes down, otherwise, it will be gone."

"How much are you willing to pay?" I asked.

"Does 3000 sound about right? If not, I can make it 30?"

Thirty thousand for a heist this big? I thought it was worth it so I told him to letter me the details about this heist and I would contact him shortly after. He left as quietly as he had come in just as the innkeeper strolled over with my stew.

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