Part 4

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The lights from the stage nearly blinded Ella as Sam and the orchestra took their places. She squinted, trying to gauge how many people were seated in the room. A smile stretched the corners of her mouth: They had a full house. Sam lifted his arms to direct the orchestra and awaited her cue. At her nod the orchestra began, instruments of wood and brass melding together to create sounds richer than the most expensive chocolate. A few measures later Ella joined in, her melodic voice rising above. Apart, they sounded incomplete, but together they produced music that challenged even the choirs of heaven.

I found my love in Avalon
Beside the bay.
I left my love in Avalon
And sailed away.
I dream of her in Avalon
From dusk 'till dawn.
And so I think I'll travel on
To Avalon . . .

As the last dying notes flowed from Ella's mouth she smiled at the audience and closed her eyes. When she opened them, everyone in the audience was on their feet, some hands together in applause others throwing rose and other flowers at their feet. Sam joined her, and together they bowed before the crowd and said their thank you's. The orchestra left the stage and the stage crew arrived to clean up the chairs and stands. Ella descended from the stage, made her way over to the bar, and asked for a glass of water. As she sipped the cool, refreshing drink, Mr. Becker approached her with a vibrant bouquet of red and white roses in his hand. He smiled and handed her the roses, nodding when she gave him a quiet 'thank you.'

"You sounded beautiful Ella. I'm pleased that I was able to accompany a growing talent such as yours."

Ella laughed and blushed ferociously, shaking her head.

"I feel like it was just a dream. It's all very surreal," she said in wonder.

He chuckled, touching her arm. "That's how I feel every time I direct. It's a magical experience. One you never get tired of."

"I don't think I could ever get tired of it either."

"Well I must be going, but congratulations and have a good night." He donned his hat and tipped it in my direction, walking briskly out the door.

A lingering smile touched her lips and she waved to the barista at the bar and asked for a glass of water. As she was sipping the cold drink she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around. Her smile died as quickly as it started. Both of her parents stood in front of her, her dad wearing a firm frown, his face as hard as granite.

Ella slowly set the glass down and nodded to her parents, waiting for the tongue lashing she knew was going to come. Her mom had a death grip on my father's arm that she tried to ignore and she took a deep breath, looking at her father straight in the eye.

"Hello, father."

"Hello, Ella. I'm surprised to see you here since I specifically said that I didn't want you hanging around these "establishments."

He gestured around the room with his hand, a look of disgust on his face. Ella sneaked a glance at her mom's face and caught the look of sympathy on her face, her hand slowly rubbing her dad's arm. She fidgeted and looked away from her dad's intense stare. Finally, after several awkward seconds of silence, her mom spoke.

"Dear, I think we should be very proud of Ella's performance tonight. She's extremely talented and though she did disobey your request--"

"Yes she did and--"

"She performed beautifully tonight." She sent my father a look and turned back to Ella, giving her a bright smile and reaching out her hand to touch her. She took hold of her outstretched hand and squeezed it, giving her a timid smile. My dad's face softened a bit and Ella was reaching out her hand to touch his arm when a customer walked by and touched her arm. She turned with a warm smile.

"Miss Ella I just wanted to congratulate you on your performance. Your voice is like an angel. I'll be looking forward to your next performance."

Ella thanked him warmly and turned back to her parents. My dad's face had hardened back again into a block of stone and she took a deep breath, twisting her fingers in front of me.

"Another performance eh? It isn't enough that you had one, but you're having another? Here? In this place? Hmph. I will not allow it,' he said, shaking his head.

Tears sprung to her eyes and she discretely wiped them away, avoiding her father's gaze. My mother shook her head and detached herself from my father, coming over to where Ella was standing. She put her arms around her and held her close, gently stroking her hair.

"It's okay honey. He's just scared. Places like these have a bad reputation and he doesn't want anything to happen to you." She pressed her cheek against Ella's head. She gently pushed Ella back and dried her eyes looking her straight in the eye.

"I know that mother, but singing is my dream. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to sing on the big stages and become famous." Ella held her mother's hands in hers, her jaw set in determination.

"I have to do this. This is MY life. My dream." My mom nodded and smiled at Ella, reaching up to cup her cheek.

"I am so proud of you. Of the woman, you've become. Your father and I might not agree with you on what is right, but I trust that you will be alright. You've already proven yourself to be very talented so I know you will do very well. I just wish you hadn't grown up so fast. It was just the other that you were my little girl, running around my feet in the kitchen and now . . ." Her voice broke and a tear ran down her cheek. Ella gently wiped it away and squeezed her mother's hands for reassurance.

"I know. But I'm a grown woman now, mother. I can take care of myself and I have to be able to make my own choices about how I live my life. I'm not your little girl anymore." Ella gave her mother one last hug and let her go, walking around her to address her father.

"Father, I know you don't agree with my decision to become a singer, but that's okay. I'm a grown woman now who can make her own choices and that's what I'm doing. I'm sorry that we don't agree and I hope that you can someday support me and my career. And . . . I hope that I can make you proud." She searched her father's eyes for any sign of acceptance but found none, so she gathered her coat and walked past them both and out the door, ready to start her new life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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