my first patient

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Hello and my name is James and i am a young plague doctor's apprentice and i am currently residing in silica near the far from my birth place in the kingdom of Poland but back to the present me and my master were investigating the source of the new plague called the black death.

because it causes the victims limbs to turn black it seems to be highly contagious and extremely lethal i would put this in an extreme danger. my master is seeming to be very tired... oh god he is growing huge lymph nodes, sh!t he has the plague, he needs to be put under a true plague doctor's care but the closest one ins over 50 kilometers away he will most likely be dead by then.

well it looks like i need to put my mask back on to filter the air so i don't get the plague it will be disastrous if i get infected because no one but the two plague doctor are allowed to leave the king of silica's orders if they leave they will be killed and their bodies burned, though most of the people have chosen to try to escape because they know their fate if they catch the black death, then they have a fate worse than death awaiting for them.

I need to get back to my master, if you find this journal on a dead body it is most likely mine.

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