the end of the beginning

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             well my master died yesterday its been four days since the last time i wrote. i need to go to the "quarantine" zone the king thought it up only people with the plague would be allowed in there along with plague doctors. people have been getting infected every where we need more doctors... or we may have to start killing some of the victims to keep them from spreading the plague. the zone is horrific there are people wandering left and right looking like the walking dead with their limbs black like they have had their limbs burned, the sounds... oh god the sounds many people refuse to even live near there because of the moans and screams, and the pleads of help, they never stop. it sounds as if hell itself was here in silica. the zone sound like the seven circles of hell. the dead line the streets their bodies like they are sleeping... they look as if they're sleeping... some of them are. you can't tell they all look the same, swollen, charcoal black skin, generally like, they look like the reanimated dead. and the stench it is ungodly... i must this day here

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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