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I lay there, blind, on a metal floor. I feel heat all around me, as if a fire is burning. And by the light I can see beyond my eyelids, I can tell that there probably is. Wait... but I'm blind, I think. I try to open my eyes, but I feel something heavy keeping them together. Water... no. It would've evaporated. I get a suddenly get a surge of memories, ranging from pain to happiness, sadness to anger. Then I remember one word. The last word I said before something happened. Sabrina. I jolt upright, my eyes opening instantly.

"Sabrina!" I shout as my eyes jolt open. "I need to find her."

The fire rages around me, but I don't know what caused it. The last thing I remember feeling is... oh no. I need to find out what happened after I passed out. My friends think I'm dead. Dylan, Sabrina, Sebby, and Michael are probably all grieving over me. Bas, other Michael, and Elizabeth are probably all back in England. I get up and scream in pain, reaching for my arm, and somehow missing. I have a horrible realization, and reluctantly look at the arm I just tried to grab. It was lying on the floor a few feet away, lying in a pool of blood. I don't dare look at my shoulder. Instead, I trudge forward, grabbing my sword off the ground next to Nathan's body, multiple daggers penetrating his chest. "You got what you deserved," I speak to his lifeless body.

I start running, aiming for the door on the other side of the room. From what I remember, it leads to the airlock that we landed in when we first showed up here. As I run, I tap the earpiece I'm wearing to alert my team that I'm still alive. As I continue running, I hear fighting down the hall from me. Before I get there, I quickly use one of the ship's teleporters to get to the medical wing. When I get there, I ask one of the many mechanical doctors to fix me up a new arm. This ship has the most high tech, state of the art medical technology, so the arm was finished in under a minute. If it was my friends fighting down that hall, why not make them wait? A little surprise doesn't hurt anybody.

After a few minutes, the arm is attached, and I go back to where I heard the fighting. When I finally reach the hall, I find that there's only one person there. Only one of my friends. Sabrina.

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