The Search

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Because I lost my power in the battle with Nathan, I had my new arm personalized so that it can alter the room to make it seem like I still had my powers. I tap a few buttons on it, and the room darkens. I hold out the steel arm, and a bow materializes in my palm. I pull back the drawstring, and small streaks of light merge to the center, forming an arrow, ready to fire. Man, the future is great.

I look down the shaft of the arrow, and let go. The arrow splits down the middle and the two remaining shards impale two of the attackers. I then take out my sword and press a small button on the hilt, electrifying the blade and creating rings of lightning around it. I throw the sword at the remaining attacker, and he falls to the ground, motionless. Before she even looks to see who saved her, she runs the opposite direction, most likely to catch up with the remaining members of the team. I think of running after her, but I know better. It would be smarter to stay hidden until I absolutely need to leave my cover.

I quietly tail Sabrina close enough so that I can see her, but she can't hear or see me. After a few minutes of running, she stops for a moment in the middle of a long corridor. She kneels down in front of what looks like a giant crater in the hall. But what could've made a hole that... Evan. We defeated him on our way into the ship, and Michael killed him. I forgot we had to pass this hallway. I look down at a small screen on my arm and tap into the ships repairing system, repairing the floor in front of Sabrina. She looked up, this time looking curious, like she was suspicious of something. But she just shrugged it off and started running again. She was the most powerful member of my team, right next to me. It'd be a shame to see her lose the team.

After quite a few minutes of running, Sabrina stops. She looks at the door in front of her, and opens it hesitantly. As it slides open, I can hear screams. My first thought is that it's the team, cheering that Sabrina made it back alive. But after it goes on for a few more seconds, the door opens further, and I see something horrifying. They're being tortured. They aren't screams of happiness. They're screams of pain.

All I can do is watch as Sabrina runs into the room, trying to save them, but getting caught quickly. So I change my thought process. I darken the room, like I did before, but this time I sprint in, materializing my bow and pulling back the drawstring. I fire off two scatter arrows, killing ten people. I then take out my sword and charge it with lightning, proceeding to neutralize the last of the targets in the room. I turn the lights back on and turn to my friends.

"I'm back."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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