The Next Day

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The next day has arrived, and I'm still staring at myself in the mirror. All I see is the figure of a hollow shell of myself returning my gaze. I think back to the time when we lived in a world with no fear, where we can live to be ourselves without no judgement or rules to live by, to live free, to be happy with whoever we wanted to be happy with. What happened to those times? I wish those days were back. I leave the bathroom to go back to the bedroom to change into my clothes and get ready for the day. As I go downstairs to get ready to have breakfast I grab my food, I set at the table, but as I look around I see the faces staring back at me and they are blank? no expression...just empty. What could this mean? Maybe it will take me.... taking some time for myself to figure out what is going on here as I prepare myself out the door to see what the next day has in store for me.

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