Who Was She?

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The wind blew an eerie chill as soon as I walked out the door. I stop to take a view of my surroundings. I noticed all was quiet...no one was on the street, no one was walking around. It was strange. I thought to myself, "This is very odd?"  I walked down the pathway and turned left to go to my destination. As I walked, the thoughts of earlier events raced through my mind. I kept walking and walking, it felt like time had flown by as I traveled on my lonely path to nowhere.

I stopped when I heard a sound come from behind me as I swirled around quickly to see what was there..I saw nothing. I continued to walk, but I still kept hearing sounds behind me. I finally stopped and turned to face whoever or whatever was behind me. Standing in defense, I as ready to face this person or thing...I stood and I stood and nothing....no one appeared...the sounds had stopped. The uneasy feeling in my gut was raising. I knew something was coming...something was gonna happen real soon. I felt this pressure in my head it was strong. I grabbed the sides of my head as the pressure continued....there was no pain..just pressure. I heard movement again this time it was in front of me...I fought to focus my gaze and saw an image of something...I couldn't make out what it was..I knew I was in trouble. I tried to move, I wanted to run.

When this thing was in front of me..I felt no threat...no danger. The pressure had stopped and I looked up to see this tall and beautiful woman with long flowing silver hair. Her eye's were an ocean blue. She is very beautiful with her slender build and long legs. Her skin was a ghostly white and she looked very young like a teenager. I stared hard at her as her eyes never left mine. I had regained my composure and focused hard on her. She tilted her head to the left never removing her gaze off of me and gave a slight smile. I tried to return the smile back to her as she reached out her hand and touched my head and as soon as she did, the pressure had returned and I was returned back to darkness.

Night had fallen when I finally awoke, I realized I was laying on the ground, rolling to my back I was trying to understand what just happened. I thought to myself as I laid there, "Who was she?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2013 ⏰

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