Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ilene slipped under the bridge, trying to keep her breathing calm and slow. Her heart was beating several miles a second, and her breathing was dry and quick. If she did not manage to calm herself soon, she would be caught.

Pressing herself to the cold wall, she sucked in her breath. The black biker that jacket that she wore, and the dark jeans, blended her into the dark of the night, concealing her.

Sucking in her breath, she froze as four skinhead boys rushed passed her hiding place, their broad thick chests flashing under the moonlight as they ran. The things they held in their hands were nothing to not be afraid of. One held a batting club, luckily it was free from any spikes, but deadly none the less. The two behind him had metal pipes, and the last one had a piece of chain.

Luckily, neither of them noticed her. She waited for them to run forward quite a distant before she slipped out again. Careful not to upset a rock, or have anything drop into the black looking water, Ilene exposed herself to the silver moonlight. Breathing in a sigh of relief, she turned around and ran back up the path that she had come.

Keeping her footing light and silent, she ran quickly, into the nearest alleyway, keeping her gaze pointed ahead. She could hear the boys stamping further and further away.

The alleyway was interlocked with many others. Ilene picked a random one, going deeper and deeper into the dark, her pace slowed down to a relaxed walk. There walls of the alleyway were getting tighter and tighter. Metal beams lay across, on the top, blocking the light from the moon. All was dark and quiet. And the deeper she went in, the more haunting it got.

And then, suddenly, her heart froze as she heard footsteps behind her. The skinheads were back, and from the sounds of their heavy quick footsteps, desperate than ever to catch her and teach her a lesson.

Ilene took off again, running into any alleyway opening she could feel with her hands, as she trailed them along on the damp wall, using them instead of her eyes. It was too dark down here to see.

Behind her the skinheads sped up. It was as if they knew where she was going . They did not fall off her trail though she kept changing  directions.

It began to get impossibly darker, and more tighter. Ilene regretted getting lost in these alleyways. If the skinheads caught up, it would be so easy to trap her. There would be no escaping. There was no room. She should have stayed out in the open and hid in some open shop. Those gangsters would not be able to do a darn thing in the presence of other people. Why did she not think of that?

Ilene mentally scolded herself, as she came closer and closer to the dead end of the alleyway. There were no more escaping routes, and she was sure that if she ever survived, she would never know where to get out from. The sun would never be able to shine here, so it would not make a difference if it was morning. She was probably trapped for eternity.

Ilene felt the rough walls with her hands. Maybe there was some kind of a rock or hole that would aid her in climbing up, upon the beams. She could hide there.

Just as the thought struck her, she came to the dead end. Feeling around frantically, she searched. The footsteps behind her got closer and closer. The searching got frantic, and time began to tick faster, to the beat of her racing heart.

Just as she was about to lose hope, Ilene's hand brushed against a metal hook on the wall. It twisted as she ran her hand over it, and to her utter surprise, the wall in front of her slid open. Ilene froze, mouth opening in shock. A secret door in the alleyway was a very rare find, and Ilene was almost too shocked to remember that the most cruellest delinquents around were after her. And getting closer.

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