Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ilene grumbled as she scrubbed the ballroom floor. Over the past two weeks, she had managed to become a servant of some sort. A poor, well paid, friggin servant who was slaving away for six bloodsucking monster freaks who had fangs.

And at this very moment, those bloodsucking monsters were dancing around with various wealth ladies, testing them through their touches to see which one of them would be the best meal for them tonight. Ilene could not believe she let them suck on these women. It was crime. Abuse, and she was guilty for letting it happen.

Ilene had watched how the boys worked for the previous two weeks. She had gotten to know these males well and she had picked up on their vampire ways.

They spent the whole day playing games in this big manor of theirs, which was larger than most mansions. While one part of it had a large door and security protected garden on the main road, the other side had the secret door that saved my life, and led into the maze of alleyways. Apparently the Vampire boys worked some lighting magic to get their pretty ladies here.

If the boys were not playing their silly games, then that was because they were at the Vampire king's castle, somewhere where humans could not go. Which meant Ilene was not allow to ever see it. In all honesty, she was not even supposed to know of the bloodsucking boys existence. It seemed the king still did not know. And the boys were trying to keep it that way. Ilene did not like this at all. If she knew where to find the King, she would have rattled on the boys  ages ago. They got on her last nerves.

And right now wasn't any different.

"Breather," Morogh was standing over her suddenly, "You're taking too long. My lady wants her drink."

"Well she's got legs. If she's so desperate, tell her to get it herself. But, seeing that you're already here, why don't you get it for her."

Morogh and Ilene had ended up having a lot in common, except for the temper that the boy possessed. The two could have actually got on together, if it was not for the fact that they always competed…in everything. And it did not help that both of them were as stubborn as each other.

"I was not asking for smart comebacks. Get on your feet and start serving." Morogh said to her.

Ilene rolled her eyes and continued scrubbing the sparkling kitchen tiles.

"I'm not the host here. As far as I know, you're the one who is supposed to be serving your woman, not me." She threw the rag and sat up, feeling moody.

Morogh, was not about to let her not listen to him. He glared down at her, though his eyes were not as hard as they had been on their first meeting.

"Go serve her, human." he was commanding her and Ilene did not like it.

"Not happening, Vampy. I've got to take a breather."

Another thing about Morogh was, he was not as big and mature as he seemed. He was a stubborn Vampire kid who sulked when he was not given what he wanted. Another difference between his and Ilene's character.

Sulking was what Morogh was doing right now.


Ilene shook her head, "No!"





"Serve, you freaking mortal."

"Never, you freaking Vampire." Ilene purposely raised her voice to match the high tone of Morogh's. She felt a little dramatic, saying those words out at a strong volume.

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