ACT 12

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Act 12

Akira's POV

I went my way home, crying throughout the way, until I got home, I was sobbing and cried myself to sleep.

My thoughts are clouded. I just wanna trash my whole room. Throwing papers, clothes, my notes and everything until I was satisfied with the mess I made, I leaned over the wall and crumbled down to the cold floor, crying hard.

Why? Why does this things have to happen to me? I wish I can choose my family. I wish I can just disappear. I wish I can control everything around me. I just wanted to be okay again. My vision was slowly blurred by the overflowing tears until I passed out.

Eiichi's POV

"Chi-chan! Aunt said don't forget the umbrella on the note she left on the fridge." Naoki said as he frantically waved the piece of paper to my face.

"Alright. Alright. No need to wave that paper to my face." I sighed as I grabbed the piece of paper and slid it to my pocket.

"I'll go grab the umbrellas!" Naoki said as he went back inside the house.

I waited outside, looking up to the skies. Man, sure its gonna rain hard today.

We walked our way to our school. Street sweepers are busy tidying up the leaves that's scattered all over the streets, making crisp sounds as we stepped on it.

The clouds formed fast and covered the skies within just few minutes, and then, the rain poured.

"Waah! Does aunt somehow knew its gonna rain?" Naoki mumbled as he took out his umbrella.

"It was over the news last night. You were at the living room right? You should have heard it!" I said as I took my umbrella as well.

"I didn't... Well, that's because I was too busy with my game." Naoki sighed.

"You know, I think you should start leaving your consoles on your desk and start getting a life. You're only getting older you know?" I said, a bit teasingly.

"I know! I know! And don't tell me to get a life! I still go out you know!" Naoki reasoned.

"Heh? You go out to what? To go to your friend's to go play too." I said bickering.

"Y...You! Stop it! It wasn't my fault I'm a gamer!" Naoki growled. As I chuckled to his cute expression.

As soon as we got to school, we went to our respective classes.

Throughout the day, the rain just never stopped. It seems like there's no end to it. The clouds just gets darker and darker.

History class again. I jotted down notes so I got something to review for the next quiz. Dates and names are sure a pain in the ass. Thinking all of these makes me hungry and sleepy. Although I don't wanna end up like those slackers at the back who constantly gets caught dozing off or not paying attention. Well, at least, they keep the hallway clean after class.

Later, the bell goes off. I'm so excited to see Hansuke, so I got no time to talk to him cuz I was like, five minutes before I get late since it was raining and we can't just walk hurriedly.

I went to the other classroom. I saw Hansuke on his seat, twisting his blazers outside the window. I was intrigued so I went to him.

"Hey." I said as I poked his cheeks.

"Huh? Oh! Eiichi!" Hansuke chirped.

"What's that?" I said, pointing at the blazers.

"Oh? This? Well. I forgot my umbrella you know. So here. I'm wet. I'm glad I was so near to the school when it started to rain, but still..." Hansuke sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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