back again

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2:26 am

'Back again?' The blond boy smiled as the same girl who had been in the day before entered the coffee shop.

She nodded with a sheepish smile as she approached the counter.

'I know I really shouldn't say this but our coffee's shit. I'm kinda confused why you're here again' blondie chuckled.

'I don't think it's shit!' The girl laughed, 'Maybe I just came here to see you'

'Ahh yes, let us stay up all night because a teenager doesn't know the difference between decaf and normal'

'What! You're telling me that coffee wasn't decaf?' She raised my voice slightly with a small chuckle. 'Maybe that's why I didn't sleep until 7am'

'Sorry about that... My fault entirely'

The girl smiled at him, she though this kid was funny. She ordered a small coffee again - regular this time - and sat down in the same place as yesterday. She looked at the blonde boy, he didn't wear a name tag unfortunately. But he did wear a beanie that left most to imagination with the exception of a few blonde stands that protruded at the front.

'Alright here's your coffee.....?' He said as his hand reached over the counter to hand her the cup.

'Rosie' She smiled as she took the cup from his hands.

'Here's your coffee Rosie' the boy said quietly as Rosie made her way towards to door. The bell jingled in the silent air and she began her walk home.

2:27 am - lrh [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now