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2:31 am

Luke sighed as he checked the time on his phone for the third time. Why had she not come? For the past week the brunette with the freckle on her lip - Rosie - had come in around 2:30 am and ordered a cup of coffee. Luke didn't want to be there - heck he didn't even work there. He had covered for a friend for three nights and after Rosie kept turning up he asked his friend if he could keep working there. Of course he agreed, no one wanted to work 11 - 5 and his boss would never check up on them so Luke started to work at the 24 hour coffee shop.

As Luke ran his hands through his hair, Rosie slept peacefully in her bed. She had gone in to ask one of the workers who the boy was but all of them just said they didn't know. The coffee shop wasn't very nice and most of the employees were trying to pay their way through college. Luke was not one of those employees. Luke lived in a penthouse apartment and was very successful at his real job.

Rosie turned over in her bed as her alarm clock lit up the room displaying 2:31 am. With a rustle of sheets, Rosie tossed and turned before kicking them completely off  and sitting up in bed. She glanced at her laptop which sat open on the edge of her bed. Just as the laptop started to fall, Rosie lunged. Sighing to herself she slipped on a pair of jandals as she reminded herself of the essay that was due in now only 7 hours. Rosie grabbed a jacket and slipped quietly out of the apartment as she prepared herself to go see the blond boy who worked in the 24 hour cafe.

2:27 am - lrh [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now