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Lucy's Pov.

I ran and i ran until i saw a bridge a little out of town so i stayed there to rest for a while.Sting came as fast as he could and asked if i was ok and why did i ran off so suddenly but i told him that i was okay.Which was a lie.I wasn't okay....I was feeling awfull! Why?....why did i have to meet Natsu now?.....After a while Sting left in order to leave me relax a little.I stayed at the bridge.

Natsu's Pov.

Who did the scent belong to? It was so sweet.....I have to remember....I started to walk around the town following the scent but i was thinking to many things like who the person is...or if she\he was a friend of mine and i couldn't concentrate on the scent...i have been walking around town since morning and it's night already...UHG!! i have to relax a little so that i can concentrate....oh! i know! i will go to the bridge i saw yesterday! it was a very calming place! i will be able to relax there! i-i think...

Lucy's Pov.

It's night already.....i have been sitting here all day...i should go back to the hotel but it;s really relaxing here! i feel so calm!

Natsu's Pov.

I was walking torwards the bridge when suddenly i smelled vanilla and strawberries! That scent again !!! It-it's coming from the bridge..i run until i reached the bridge where i saw a girl with golden hair sitting there watching the night sky.The scent is coming from her! as i was walking there so many memories flooded my head....

Lucy's Pov.

I was sitting there when i felt that someone was watching me...i turned around to find the number 1 person i didn't want to see...Natsu....But....he is staring at me a little weird...it's like he just reallized something...

Natsu's Pov.

I....know this girl.....her golden hair and her chocolate brown eyes....the vanilla and strawberries scent.....i can't believe i forgot her!How could i forget her??!!!My best friend...


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