Chapter 8

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I woke up in my room with the sunlight shinning brightly right on my face. I groaned. Bright mornings mean no sleeping in.

'Man... My head is pounding'

I got up and felt dizzy, I had to sit back down for a bit. I heard a quick knock on the door and Jordan came in with a glass of water on a tray with three ibuprofen.

"Good morning" he whispered with a smile, "thought you'd need this". I smiled back and drank.

"Mornings like this, it's okay to take a bit of time to get up, he really tries to not bite very often, but he doesn't realize that by doing that, he needs to take more at a time" his smile faded a bit, "it'll be a bit awkward around him though, he'll really try to avoid you, and then he'll get a liiiiiittle... Cranky... So try and be patient".

I raised my eyebrows and thinned my lips into a half-assed smile.

"And... Has Oliver ever tried getting a...girlfriend?"

"Oh, no no" he laughed and shook his head.

"Oh I'm sorry, boyfriend"

"No! No, that's not what I meant, I mean Oliver and girls...willingly being around him, you know that mixture just doesn't work".

I thought for a second, 'yeah, that's believable'.

"Doesn't he have anyone interested in him though?"

Jordan looks off out the window and laughs a bit "I'm sure he's got...maybe a few takers."

My eyes widen, "more than one??" I ask.

"Oh... Yeah, probably more than one" he laughs.

He walks out and quietly closes the door. When I finally get out of my room at 1pm, everyone is asleep. I go down to the basement and make sure no one is there, then I find the chute to the library. I look through first and wait for awhile, it seemed safe.

I crawled down, feet first this time, and actually landed. While rolling my ankle. Maybe Oliver is right, I'm kind of dumb.

I open up the black leather bound book again, but skip to the latest entries, but not quite at the last one yet.

"The auction today went terribly. I got a glimpse of the best blood I've ever tasted. And then I spent over million fucking dollars on it. I've never felt so stupid. But the sample was definitely not enough."

I flipped to the next page.

"I couldn't do it. All I want to do is drink her blood again, but I can't. There's something about her that frustrates me. I can't sense her like other people, it's like she's a vampire hiding her scent. But she's definitely human. Lee said the same, that Biersack boy showed up in the yard, I know he tried to get her, but Lee was on his scent and got outside before I could. He was surprised to see there was someone else in the yard, especially being her. The longer I wait to bite, the weaker and more irritable I become. I can't do it though, not to her."

"She pushed me towards it. I know Matt and Jordan asked her. She doesn't know what she's gotten herself into. I almost didn't stop this time. I almost couldn't stop myself. I saw the light leave her eyes. It could've almost ended for her. I can't do that again. I need to be able to stop..."

I had to put the book down for a second. He almost killed me. I set it back on the shelf and left.

I put in some bed sheets of laundry. One felt crunchy though. I opened it a bit, and it was a blood covered stain. My white nightgown rolled out, full of blood. I stuffed it quickly in the washing machine and poured some bleach on the dress. He must've tried to hide it in there. I went to go wash my hands and went back upstairs. As I did, I got into the main area and just caught Oliver heading out. He made eye contact with me, then froze up and quickly slammed the door shut behind him.

The rest of the boys started coming out of their rooms too, in some nice jeans even.

"Where are you guys going?" I smiled.

"Uh" they all stopped for a second looking at each other.

"Out" Matt said and got out quickly, Lee and other Matt followed.

"Jordan?" I asked, "what's going on?". He looked around and tried to think.

"We've got this thing to go to, we'll be coming home at around 8 probably, or in the morning if there's drinking. Depends on Oli, and he's probably gonna want to drink" he laughed nervously and left.

'I guess I'll make myself supper...'

I got myself some salad, then thought for a second. Then looked upstairs... Back to the main door... Then back upstairs. I unlocked the door and poked my head outside, then closed it.

I walked up to Oliver's door, then made the right turn... Then looked around the left. I turned on the light.

It was.... A studio? What.

There was a drum set, guitars, basses, a mic, there was even an entire set up for recording.

My best bet was that.. I had to touch... Everything.

Man I used to play the drums in school. There's even sheets of music. I picked one up, it had "Shadow Moses I" written at the top. I tried it, but man did it sound terrible. Not my playing exactly, but these sheets were pretty bad. I took out some blank ones and a pencil. I tried some stuff while keeping the main components, but almost the whole thing changed. Near the mic there were lyrics. I tried singing it with the drums, but I think adding some fills would be a better decision for some parts. There were some extra sheets, with words written randomly all over it. Things like "ongoing cycle", "returning loop" and "never ending"? Looked like he couldn't think of synonyms. I added to the list of ideas "eternal", "everlasting", and "Sempiternal".

I tried the drums again, it worked a little more with the drums. I looked up at the time, it was getting near midnight. I shut off the lights and quickly got out, heading straight to the bathroom for a shower. Before I got out, the main door had just closed, they must be back! I took my hair out of the towel, blow dried, then wrapped it around myself and quickly went to my room to get dressed.

I closed the door behind myself and turned around. But I was met with the same deep voice I heard outside, resonating into my ears. "Carolla, you're looking well" he smirked, "my name is Andy".

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