Day 209

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"Ah, I love the sun," Elena purrs, readjusting her sunglasses. "Don't you just love the way it heats up your skin?"

"That's a little weird," Dean admits, taking a sip from his water bottle. He made a point not to bring any beer on this little trip, Elena's words from almost two months ago still ringing in his head.

They had finally made it out to the lake, the murky water cool on their feet when they waded in. They'd splashed around like children for a while, ignoring the weird looks they got from the condescending adults who were there with actual children. After a bit they returned to the sandy beach, stretching their limbs out on the beach towels Elena brought. It was a beautiful day, the May air feeling just as heated as summer. They could feel it in the atmosphere, the prospect of summer so close one could just graze it with they're fingertips.

The lake was farther then they'd intended to go. They'd planned a peaceful day at the falls, but when Elena stormed out of the house in a rage, Dean knew she needed to put more distance between her and Damon. She came to their meet ups angry more times than not these days, but she rarely wanted to talk about it. She wasn't breaking any rules; she was still sharing everything. Eventually.

"It's not weird," Elena defends, rolling over to glare at him. Dean had a hat over his face, shading himself from the sun. He still had water droplets on his bare chest, the small beads of water glistening in the sun. "You don't like getting tan?"

"I'm a guy. I just don't care," Dean mutters, causing Elena to roll her eyes. Giving up, Elena reaches over and digs into her bag, pulling out the book she's been reading. She props her head on Dean's chest, opening it up to where she left off. "Now I'm gonna tan unevenly."

"I thought you said you didn't care," Elena says, her eyes not leaving the page. Dean hums in response, obviously drifting off to that place between being awake and asleep. It isn't long before Dean's hand absentmindedly curls into Elena's hair, feeling it between his fingers and rubbing her scalp soothingly. It was a habit he knew she didn't mind, so he never bothered to break it.

"Will you read to me?" Dean's voice is so low Elena almost doesn't hear it. She smiles, turning back to the beginning of the book. She knew he'd be annoyed if she didn't start from the beginning.

"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions..."

Everything else fades away, the sound of screeching children and noisy parents disappearing until all that was left was Elena's voice. She had a lilting voice, one that would easily put any child to sleep. It was soothing, calming in its tone and diction. Words seemed to come easy to her for she never once stumbled, always on top of what she was saying and what she would say next. It painted a beautiful and tragic picture, the words from the book coming alive in Dean's mind until he felt he could reach out and touch the characters in the story. Nothing could compare to hearing her read.

When the first chapter is over, Elena closes the book, rolling over to gaze under the brim of his hat. Dean sighs, lifting the hat a few inches to meet her eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. Everything," Elena whispers, distracting herself by counting the freckles on Dean's nose. Sighing, she pulls off her sunglasses and sets them aside. "This book just bothers me."

"What did the book ever do to you? It seems fine to me," Dean teases, plucking the book from her hands and giving it a good once over. He pauses when he sees the look in her eyes, understanding she's being serious. "What bothers you?"

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