Day 266

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            "Elena, come on. We're gonna be late and they won't hold our table," Damon groans, leaning against the doorjamb and crossing his arms. Elena doesn't hear him, just continues to stare intently at her phone. "Elena, babe, come on."

            "Hmm? Yeah, just give me a second," Elena mutters, her eyes never leaving the device in her hand.

Where are you going tonight with Psycho? —Dean

Idk somewhere fancy —Elena

I don't know what "idk" means —Dean

I don't know —Elena

How do you not know? You're the one that said it —Dean

            Elena giggles, rolling her eyes at her phone. She kept telling him to catch up with the rest of the planet, but he obviously wasn't taking her advice.

            "Why are you laughing? Who are you talking to?" Damon pushes off the door, coming to stand beside Elena. He leans in, trying to see her texts over her shoulder.

            "No one, it doesn't matter," Elena says defensively, hugging her phone to her chest until Damon backs off.

            "It's obviously someone. Is it that someone you've been spending all your time with?" Damon scoops up the keys from the table, narrowing his eyes at Elena. "You still haven't told me her name, you know."

            "You don't know her anyway," Elena responds, returning to her phone as Damon sighs dramatically.

What r u doing tonight with L? —Elena

Date night. *eye roll* —Dean

U know u could use emojis —Elena

I don't know how to get them. Help? —Dean

            "Alright, we're leaving. I'm not missing our reservation," Damon grunts, grabbing Elena roughly by the wrist and towing her out of the house.

            Across town, Dean stares intently at his phone as he waits for a reply. He's also standing at the door, much like Damon, but his girl is nowhere in sight. Although it had been her idea to go out tonight—she'd even made the reservations—Lisa was still upstairs getting ready. If she didn't hurry, they were going to be late.

Elena? —Dean

            No reply.

You there? —Dean

            Still no reply.

            Dean is on the verge of sending a third text when Lisa appears at the top of the stairway.

            "How do I look?" She does a little twirl before coming down the stairs, smiling brilliantly at Dean. The dress she was in made Dean's clothes look like rags, and she'd obviously put quite a lot of time into her hair and makeup. She was beautiful, she really was. That's what had attracted Dean in the first place, but now it wasn't near enough.

            "You look beautiful," Dean says, pocketing his phone as he leans in to peck her cheek. "You ready to go?"

            "All set. Ben is staying at a friend's house tonight, so we have nothing to worry about," Lisa answers, still beaming as she walks out the door. Dean follows after her, pausing at the door to look back.

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