Request for Yolasanxx_

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Ugh, why? Why did it have to happen today? The day he comes back from filming. Talk about bad timing.

You hauled yourself off your warm bed to go change your underwear, because today you had a visitor you were less than happy to see.

Slightly waddling you closed the bathroom door and proceeded with the routine you had to do every month, that got irritating.

Walking annoyed out of the bathroom and straight to the kitchen to your drawer of candy, you grabbed two handfuls, grabbed some ice cream, your favorite blanket, and went to sit on the couch.

It had been about two and a half hours of you watching tv, twisting and turning on the couch trying to find a comfortable position, when you here the door knob jiggle.

In walks your boyfriend. Back from 2 months of shooting, and he's finally home.

"Yolanda?!" He calls
"In here" you reply with a groan

When he sees you, his face immediately shows a concerned expression.

"Oh gosh, are you alright? You look like your dying!" He partially shouts

"Yea thanks, it's nice to see you too." You say with sarcasm dripping from your words

Nick walks to the couch and kisses your forehead, and gives you a tight hug that kind of hurts, but you don't mind.

"You want to do something? Like get out of the house?"

"No I'd rather lay here and watch a movie and cuddle with you." You pout

"But I want pizza"

"Order delivery"


Nick goes to order the pizza while you make room for him on the couch.

When he finally comes back, he plops himself down on the couch next to you, and engulfs you in a warm comforting hug, and kisses your forehead once again.

The pizza arrives, and you two just sit and enjoy each others company. It was cute, and warm. Everything you have asked for on this unfortunate day.

This was fun to write, so I hope you had just as much fun reading it 💕

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