Chapter one

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"Angel come down now or we will never be able to go there before dark." My brother yelled from down stairs.

I'm really going to miss this place . I grew up here since I was a baby. This is the same room I stayed for 15 years of my life and I'm only 16. This is the same room I made my brothers paint in pink when I was 5 and purple when I was 10 and green when I was 12 and blue when I was 14.

This house holds a lot of memories for me, I can't just  go somewhere so suddenly and just forget this place. But I have no option. I felt tears in my eyes but I didn't want to cry. But a tear escaped before I could stop it.

All my brothers burst into my room as if they heard me cry. I never know how but they always know when I'm sad, angry, happy or anything. Let me introduce all my brothers because it could get a little confusing.

Nathan: 24 years. Eldest, has blue eyes and black hair. 6.3 ft
Jake: 23 years. Second oldest, green eyes and blonde hair. 6.3 ft
Jason and Mason: 20 years. Twins both blue eyes and blonde hair. 6.0 ft
Zachary: known as Zach. 19 years. Youngest older brother. Green eyes and black hair.6.2 ft
And then there's me
Angel: 16 years. Youngest with blue green eyes and golden blonde  hair but becomes light brown in winter. 5.2 ft (yes I get teased a lot)

I truly didn't want to leave this place. But alas no choice! Another random fact is that I didn't even know why we were moving.

'Thank you god it was a wonderful gift.'

I haltingly went down stairs stamping my foot louder than necessary. I was and always will be very reluctant about this but my brothers didn't even bulge a bit on this issue even when I made my best puppy face which they can never resist.

" I'm so sorry Angel but we are already behind schedule we can't waste anymore time . And if you smile I'll give you any chocolate you want. Promise" Jake said.

My face immediate lit up like a firefly's tail at the mention of chocolate. I said, with a smile on my face,"My only means of survival in this journey is chocolate whether you like it or not you have to give me some or a lot." He chuckled and nodded.

We were talking two cars to the new house while the rest were already at our there. I'm going with Nate and Zach and the rest are going in the other car. We got into our respective cars, I got the shotgun as Zach whined and sat in the back with a grumpy face which I laughed at. The ride was pretty long and boring I fell asleep half the way.

" Get up Angel we are here." Said a voice which I slowly recognized as Nate's amazing voice. Note the sarcasm.

I lazily opened my eyes and blinked a few times. I thought I was dreaming but when I pinched my self I my skin vex a bit in pain.

In front of me stood a big mansion which I don't care about but beside it was a very gigantic pond. I love water it made me feel safe and relaxed. Everywhere I looked I only saw trees the place looked like a forest but I loved it. While my brothers were unpacking the thing in the car, " the whole right side of the fourth floor is yours and the left is Nate's" said Jake chuckling at my astonished face.

My room had four doors one lead to the bathroom, another to the balcony, one a vacant room that I demanded for and a door to a walk in closet. The floor was dark brown and also the roof. The walls were baby pink and grey. Their was a king sized bed in the middle of the room with a dozen pillows . I loved every bit of it. It was simply stunning.

"Dinner is ready, pizza with extra cheese" Mason said smiling.

After dinner I went upstairs and fell asleep immediately, which indicates how tired I was.
Thank you all for reading this book. I'm just a beginner so please comment on my mistakes.

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