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Kiss me?

Not like in the movies,

But like you want to be loved,

Like I'm all you ever needed,

Like it's your first kiss,

Like I'm your last love,

Like you will never get the chance again,

Like your drowning and I'm air,

Like it's do or die,

Like your trying to get slapped,

Like you mean it.

Push me against the wall

Trap me so I can't avoid you,

Capture my eyes

Then my lips


Barely touching your lips to mine.

Leave me hungry for more,


Unable to think.

Make me want your love,

Feel loved,

Feel more beautiful than anything,

Have a heart,

A whole one

Not one with holes in it.

Love my body until I do,

My personality until I feel.

Touch me like I'm breakable

And the most precious thing,

Like nothing can replace me.

Hold me like I'm leaving

And I'll never be back.

Let me lead your hands

So you can see what I hate

And love it.

Let me be confident in my skin because of your love,

Because you love me like you do.

My PoetryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon