Chapter 1 - The End

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It was a nice summery, hot day when I got The Letter. The days where nothing will go wrong.


You wish.

It couldn't have been a good day because of The Letter. The stupid piece of paper.

It'd be nice if I could say that day is blurry in my memory and I can't recall a single bit of it, but I don't like lying. So I'll tell you exactly what happened. Exactly how I remember it, at least. Which is the truth. The utter and perfect truth.

I wish I'd forget things. Or maybe get to choose what to forget. Because that day, that horrible, horrible, day is in my top 3 of Worst Days In My Life. Which is definitely saying something since I've had 5847 days of living, and I can remember 5803 of those. But I can't forget. Trust me, I've tried. I've tried really hard.

That day was yellow. Very yellow. It was everywhere. In the clouds. The veins on the leaves of the treehouse. Margaret's words. That's why it's silly of me to have not have known that something bad was happening. 

Good days always seem to result in bad things. Little things, like falling off your bike while trying to impress your grandpa. Or big things. Like losing someone you love. But the funny thing is, the person I lost was still with me the whole rest of the day.


That sunshiny day was the same day I was watching birds. A rare specimen, to be precise. An unusual kind I like to call 'Jerk'.

Margaret-Grace and I were sitting in one of her tree houses. Not your regular old ones but really elaborate, detailed, little houses in the tops of trees. The canopy was where we talked, watched, and slept. It was beautiful in the big sycamore tree.

The boys at school called my best friend and I babies for still playing in tree houses, but we didn't care. At least, one of us didn't care. But don't let me get too ahead of myself.

I was watching a bird right before we met 'Him'. A nice robin, 7 feet or so from a tree. Okay, more like 2 feet from a tree, but my favorite number is 7. So I use it as much as possible.

But it is true that we were watching a robin. Now, I can remember everything I see or hear, but not everything anyone else sees or hears. So right now, all I can do is guess that Margaret was using her binoculars, heard him walking down the street, saw him, squealed, and rushed down to say hi. What I do know is that I followed in pursuit.

"Maggie! Maggie! What about the birds?" But she didn't hear me.

That's a lie. She did. She heard me loud and clear. she just ignored me. Which is usually not a big deal. But suddenly it is when your best friend is choosing some jerk instead of you.

That jerk is James. James Byrd. He's an utter jock. Captain of the football team, soccer team, and basketball team. He's also the ruler of most of the hearts of the girls at school. Including Maggie.

"Maggie! Maggie!" I finally caught up to them. I'll just admit it now, I'm not the best runner. Unless I'm running for a sale at the bookstore.

Maggie and James were hugging when I tapped on her shoulder. "Uh, Maggie? What about what we were doing before you saw James?" I glared at James. He snarled back. Then put on his 'dumb jock' smile. Maggie turned towards me.

"It's Margaret-Grace from now on, okay? And James has just asked me to the back-to-school pep rally." She ended it there like that answered my question.


"And so we're taking a walk to get to know each other better. Bye!" She and James strolled off, their arms linked together. It disgusted me.

So that was the end. The end to our friendship, at least. I wish it was the end to this story. But of course not. That would be too easy.


HAI FWENDS! Don't wanna rant for ages, but please let me know if you like my OC's (if that's what I should call them) or fanfiction more. And if you read the story Lonely, Loony, Luna (discontinued) on my other account (which you should go check out, it's peeta-bread ) then you know that I stole the beginning line of one of those chapters. But I didn't. Because guess what? I wrote that chapter. So I feel as though I have the right to use it. Anyway, I really hoped you liked the first chapter of my first non-fandom related book! I think that deserves a like, if you ask me!

Luv y'all bunches!

- Mina 💜

Word Count - 725

P.S. I've been requested to do sort of shout out/dedication things again so here we go!


Lots of Ginny's! Which is very good because Ginny is definitely in my top 3 HP characters! 💜

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