Chapter 1 1/2 - The End

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It's funny how everything seems 30 times as hard when you don't have someone to support you. Like talking, sleeping, and keeping your cool. So I hope you can understand why I did what I did. I really hate having to tell you this kind of stuff, but I hate lying more.

I was sitting near the shallow end of my pool when it happened. My toes were dipped in the crisp water, and I was holding one of my favorite books.

"Delilah? Umm, do you have a moment?" I groaned. At least on the inside. For days I had been asking Maggie to hang out and now she wanted to talk?

"Not really, to be frank." Of course I had time to spare, but patience? Not so much.

The old Maggie would've nodded and let me be, but this new stranger who had dubbed herself Margaret-Grace plopped down next to me anyway.

"Well, James and I are a couple now." She smiled like she had just completed her life's goal. More like her goal-she-just-came-up-with-4-days-ago.

"Great. I'm very happy for you, Maggie."

"It's Margaret-Grace, Delilah." This time I really groaned. So not only did she want me to call her by her full name but I had to be Delilah? It's sounds silly that something as little as a name would agitate me, but for some reason it was just too much.

"Oh I'm so sorry Miss Margaret-Grace Anderson. I wasn't aware that suddenly your nickname is too babyish for you. My bad, pardon me."

"Well, Delilah, I'm sorry but I thought you were mature enough to understand that my new boyfriend and I are responsible adults." Adults? Funny joke. I don't know who she thought she was kidding.

"Oh yes of course, responsible adults. Responsible adults that can't scramble eggs. Well, good day, Your Majesty." I gave Maggie a curtsy, looking her dead in the eye.

You know when people have a look in their eyes that says 'I want to kill you'? That's exactly what Maggie's hazel eyes looked like. That's when it hit me.

Maggie wasn't coming back.

That was the end of little miss Maggie Anderson, and the beginning of something horrible.


If I were able to pretend like nothing happened, I'd say that eventually we became friends again and everything turned out fine. But I've been burdened. Because I can't pretend.

I didn't run away or throw a fit or demand some respect (even though they came to mind at some point or another) or anything really. I just left Maggie alone. Until of course, because fate hates me, I was forced to live with her.


My parents are the kindest people you'll ever get the honor to meet. Emilia and Lukas Beyker and I are 3 peas in a pod, practically. So I was very scared and very upset to find out that they would be leaving me for 4 weeks for a business trip. Great. Just what I needed. More people to leave me.

And never believe anyone when they say that they'll be gone for 'just 4 short weeks, then we'll be right back'. Because 4 weeks is a long time. And a long time typically means forever.

Forever is one of those words. The kinds that are hard to spit out and even harder to swallow. Forever is one of my least favorite words, because I just don't understand how something can be permanent.

But James and Maggie's so called 'love' sure seemed permanent. The two were glued to each other's side. And since I had moved in with them, they seemed even more inseparable.

It wasn't the 'we're so in love' part about the situation that made me sick, it was James. His ego was almost as big as her crush on him. And that's probably an understatement.

So I was left with two love-birds and Mr. Anderson, who works himself too much. Great.

Hai Fwends! Wattpad isn't working for me very well, so I kinda rushed this chapter. Oh well!

Gin_Molly_Weasley (sorry, your another Ginny and I didn't mention you last chapter, truly sorry 😔)

Luv y'all bunches!

- Mina 💜

Word Count - 666 😱

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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