Chapter 1: The Show

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 It was finally here. The day that I had been waiting for, for the last 3 months.

I lay silently on my wooden framed bed, the intricately designed cardboard rectangle held between my soft grip as if I was scared that if I held it too tight it might shatter into hundreds of tiny pieces.

I reread the simple typed writing on the front of the ticket for what could possibly be the hundredth time. ‘My Chemical Romance – The Black Parade at Wembley Arena, London.’ Those words were the reason I was so very happy.

I looked at the small alarm clock that sat on the wooden side table: 6:14. I would need to leave soon. I allowed my mind to follow the route I would take to reach the Wembley Arena. My mind raced crazily around in lopsided circles and it took all my will power to not scream out in excitement like a true fan girl. But I restrained myself.

“Juliana!” I heard the echoed shout from down the hall and groaned loudly, jumping off the bed to go and see what my Mother wanted. No doubt to warn me of the ‘dangers of London’. Not that I don’t know, I’ve lived here since I was 6 and I’ve been to a lot worse places in London than Wembley. But to make her happy I’ll ‘be safe’.

“Yes Mum?” I replied innocently, as if I didn’t know what she was going to say, hastily reaching the door to the small lounge and slipping in.

“Have fun darling.” She spoke softly, a lit cigarette hung from her twisted fingers as she tapped it against the ash tray on the table. “Remember to stay safe.”

“Yes Mum, I’m 14, I’m fine.” I grimaced but waved to her in a gesture of ‘I’m leaving now’. Just because I’m going alone doesn’t change anything. I still know London like the back of my hand. “Don’t worry I’ll keep my phone on and I’ll text you when I get there.” I pulled a smile quickly to my face and saw her smiling nod before swiftly exiting the room.

“Remember I’m off to Paris tonight, so I won’t be seeing you until next week,” My Mother reminded me as she shouted at me through the door. “But have fun!” She quickly finished.

“Thanks, love you Mum Have fun in Paris.” I yelled back in reply.

Then it was a frenzied dash around my tiny room, shoving a few essentials into my small side bag. I put on my ‘Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge’ shirt and some grey skinny jeans. Perfect. My make up had already been completed hours ago, thanks to me being way over excited about the whole affair. I have my cousin, Selena to thank for that though; she’d won a ticket on the radio earlier this year, which had convinced my Mum to let me buy a ticket. I’d be meeting her at the concert.

I took a quick scan-glance around the room, to make sure everything was in order, which it was. I grabbed my hoodie before practically sprinting out of the door and down the spiral stairs which led to the dimly lit lobby of the apartment building.

The air outside was harsh and icy. The small breath crystals shot out in front of me as I speed-walked down the cobbled path way towards the tube station. It would be much quicker to take the trusty tube that to have to walk through the blistering cold through the centre of London.

After a whistle-stop tour of the beautiful London Underground system, I headed out of the Wembley branch, taking the steps two at a time. In my excitement I nearly missed a step, and used my hand to hold myself steady on the railing, much to the amusement of some local teenagers who snickered noisily.

As I rounded the corner, past a busy pub, old drunk men were sitting outside jeering and fake fighting each other. I didn’t care, because looming up ahead was a large rounded structure, with a large white arch stretching over the ‘roof’.

I noticed the long queue building by the large ticket admission entrance and walked happily to join the back of the lengthening queue. Not long now.

I stood humming softly under my breath for at least half an hour, the line had grown considerably behind me but now I could practically touch the opening to the Arena.

A short, fair haired woman asked for my ticket, showing straight, lipstick stained teeth. I quickly gave her my pristine ticket, which I had been cradling for the past 10 minutes in anticipation. I smiled at her happily and jumped up and down slightly on my toes, like a small child on Halloween night.

My excitement soon faded when the woman spoke again. “I’m sorry Kid.” I scowled at her, I’m not even short, how am I a kid?

“Sorry about what?” I asked confused, as I saw everyone in the queue behind me becoming more restless and agitated, a few moving onto other lines to get ‘checked in’ with another staff member.

“Your ticket won’t work. I’ve tried to scan it but it must be a counterfeit.” She continued, using her arms to create elaborate gestures, a sympathetic crease spread across her aging features. “I’m very sorry.”

My face fell, and I felt my heart literally take a dive into the deep pit of acid which I call my stomach. I gulped, holding back tears. “Its fine, I understand you’re just doing your job.” I forced a smile onto my rapidly paling face.

“Here, take this.” The woman pulled a black bundle from under her desk and thrust it towards me. “I know it’s not the same, but I was told to give 10 out to lucky fans.” She put on another small smile.

“Thank you, this is very kind of you.” I replied, masking the confusion that was flooding my mind, not knowing what the strange black mass was. I walked out of the line. I walked for what seemed like hours, but what in reality was probably only 20 minutes, until I found a small bench around the other side of the Arena, out of view of the ticket entrance.

I opened the black bundle and a small smile crept upon my face. The blackness had formed the shape of a T-shirt. It the centre was the white ‘Black Parade’ skeleton but it was what was around the edges of this logo that made my smile broaden even more.

There were 5 sections of delicate swirls, all in what seemed to be silver sharpie. 5 signatures of my 5 favourite people. I hastily put the T-shirt on. Yes, the concert would be amazing to go to, and it was a shame I could go. But I had a signed T-shirt. I was invincible now.

I wiped away a few tears that had formed and had begun to dribble down my cheek. I really wished I could have gone. Been inside the wonderful building, listening to the best band in the world.

 By now it was nearly pitch black and I could hear the sound of the crowd over powering the unmistakable ‘beeps’ which signalled the start of ‘The End.’

I sat and decided to debate what to do. My mind told me the first thing I should do is to text Selena and tell her what happened. I did this quickly, despite the fact that my hands were numb from the piercing cold. It stung like a knife was being forced into my flesh and I clenched my teeth together, stopping them from chattering. 

Then I decided to sit and listen to the concert that would be going on right now. I felt a small wave of jelously surge through me as I heard the crowd cheering but I quickly shoved it to the back of my mind. This was not the time. My Mum would have already left for Paris, so there was no point in going home. The bench was rather comfortable to be honest and the music was ‘oh-so’ beautiful. 


Did you like the first chapter? Be honest.

I promise you it's going to get so much better, and I even know where this is going, so its a first for me on that aspect. I hope it wasn't too confusing? 

Still MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE. <3 It has to be okay, it they're in it. Right?

Thanks for reading, fanning, commenting, voting and what not. It means a lot and I hope to get this story going, so I need all the feed back I can get. :D



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