Looking at the Night Sky

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Disclaimer :-I have not discovered Planet X but it is included in my story, only as a part of my imagination.
I was looking at the night sky gazing at the stars. Suddenly the sky was ablaze. When my eyesight cleared I saw a beautiful comet moving about the night sky. Being so interested in astronomy my happiness knew no bounds!
But the fun had just started. The next moment I saw a star like object floating in the sky or more like teleporting. It came closer and closer and closer............
The next moment it became a disk like object with somebody sitting inside it.....
I thought it was only a dream and it was time to wake up and go to school. I pinched my cheek but like another Hollywood or Bollywood movie you may have guessed it hurt, this was all real.
A/N :- This is just the introduction of the story. Keep on seeing for updates. Please comment and like as you read on.

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