Rejoicing In Jesus While In Pain

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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading this story,I pray God will open your heart to receive comfort from him.Though he may seem far away especially in pain."In Him we move,are and have our being"(Acts 17:28).
I pray this verse on you as you read "I am completely discouraged-I lie in the dust.Revive me by your Word.I weep with grief;my heart is heavy with sorrow;encourage and cheer me with your words;help me,undeserving as I am,to obey your laws,for I have chosen to do right" (Psalms 119:25)...............................................................................................................................

"Pain is a problem that's why many are rejecting God"~Heart's Song by KB

Pain,a word you don't really understand until you experience it yourself.It's confusing when someone else perhaps a loved one is in pain(emotional,physical or mental pain) we give words of encouragement.Reassuring that person of God's love,but when we are on the receiving end sometimes it's seems difficult,almost impossible to remain in joy and peace.Jesus says;the joy I give you no one can steal.The book of Philippians also says "Rejoice in Lord always,again rejoice"
And you may think to yourself;I've been in this condition for so long I've forgotten how joy feels like.Well do you know as i started this chapter my heart felt heavy,I felt disconnected from his love,wondering if he loves me and would come to reassure me.Right now has I was searching the Bible,Jesus comforted me! I feel lighter.Yes I may fall again,cry,be discouraged and lose heart.But I have this hope that he won't abandon me like an orphan alone in depression or sorrow-but he will come to me(See John 14:18) Glory to God!(I pray you have the same experience)
Pain is uncomfortable & frustrating.But the Bible teaches us that Jesus gives our pain purpose.He joins us in our pain so we are not alone or forsaken.Illness or mental distress is something the enemy has used to hurt us and draw us away from God.Like in Job "satan replied."A man will give anything to save his life.Touch his body with sickness and he will curse you to your face"(Job 2:4-5)
So we see how pain is used to make us lose our focus on God's love.Though Job didn't curse God,sadly many have.If that's you don't be disheartened cause someone greater than Job has conquered pain;JESUS!!
When Jesus came he not only broke the power of sin,But also the power pain held over us.His own pain shows us we can overcome pain in Joy & still remain faithful.The Bible said Jesus soul was crushed with horror and sadness to the point of death(see Matthew 26:38). You may say"but Jesus wasn't sick or tormented,how can he know my pain".
He lived to die like when people are diagnosed with a terminal illness and was mocked before and during his crucifixion.
"Well where is my hope,so I should suffer in silence and die in pain" No you don't have too,that's the good part,The Good News!.Because of his pain and suffering because he bore our sin and sickness.Even though in him was no sin,he is perfect,no evil or sin is found in him"if he is perfect,then why did he suffer and die like he sinned"Because of me and you.God saw we could never pay for our sins,so he took the sinless Christ and poured all our sins into him.Then poured all Jesus righteousness into us by Faith.What a wonderful exchange,it's the free gift of salvation! This is the joy of a Christian.By each stripe of his wounds you are healed,and because he endured we can endure also.You see,he was obedient unto death,enduring through pain so we could have joy in pain.And he died so we could be free from the punishment of sin."so where in this do I get healed" The whole Bible! Jesus healed all that were oppressed and still heals today,but when we notice the healing is not instant like our heart craves,then we have to wait.For we know we are healed.We just have to be patient and wait,pray, and hope on the Lord.This is the difficult part! I also struggle too and it hurts so much but the Holy Spirit teachs us that pain which was once used by the devil to hurt and break us down.In Christ is used to build us higher,to strengthen our faith(even when it feels like it's weakening).Praise Jesus!How wonderful are his ways!
How do you respond to pain,do you struggle like I do,getting angry,blaming God.Not praying or praising God.Jesus is telling us there is hope to believe in.Just like when we trust God to take our sins away,we can trust him to helps us respond to pain in faith,peace and joy through his Word.Please don't beat yourself up like I did.The way you slowly through the power of the Holy Spirit broke bad habitats,we will also be able (with lots of practice) respond to pain the way Jesus did.Be kind to yourself and please let Jesus be kind to you.We will slowly but steadily improve our attitude with the divine help of the Holy Spirit.If only you could see my letters to God,pain and I don't mix,anger is unfortunately my response.But I believe has God will use his word to heal you,he'll heal me to.I'm still growing and so are you.We are still in the process,Thank God for his patience and Grace.This is my faith and hope that day by day I'll grow and so will you.Don't give up on God or yourself.
Now if you respond to pain positively,with faith and the word of God,that's great but I want to make sure,you tell God your feelings,don't try to act strong on your own.Trust God with the thoughts of doubt.When I'm in pain,emotional or physical.I noticed telling God your pain helps,for example"Thank you Jesus for keeping me and my family.I give you all the honour and glory.Lord I'm disappointed,with all I'm going through.That you let all this happen.I don't understand and it hurts me.I just want to be well,I don't,I can't take these thoughts anymore.I'm in pain,I don't to be bitter and resentful.Lord I'm hurt! so much.It's hard to believe you love and care.But I want to trust you please help me,come comfort me.Please reassure me you care.Lead me and please help me obey you.I'm angry.Please melt my heart,give me a understanding and obedient heart.Thank you for hearing and answering me.For you always hear me.In Jesus Precious Name,Amen."

Praise God! I know no matter how long it takes,he'll comfort us..Please always pray your pain anytime you feel impatient or angry with life.For Paul said"I have done the Lord's work humbly-yes, and with tears."(Acts20:19).
You see,acknowledged your pain.In this world pain may be inevitable but in Christ joy is too!
Yes our cup of joy will overflow(see John15:11)"How can i have joy in pain" Because our source of joy is;Christ came into this world from his comfort of heaven to be in pain and suffering,he chose to die so that we could live because he loves us so much ! No pain or demon can take this way.

Dear Beloved please pray with me"Lord Jesus,I believe you are the Son of God and that you died for me.And I believe you have healed me and give my pain a purpose.Please comfort and reassure me as I wait on the manifestation of my healing.Help me to pray,and speak the word of God declaring I AM HEALED BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST!.
Help me not to give up on you restoring my health,soul and mind.Family or any of my problems.For the battle is not mine but yours!"

Hallelujah!!! I know it's quite long but I pray God will refresh us always by his word.God bless.

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