Rejoicing In Your Weakness

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Hello belivers and hopefully soon to be believers.Thank you all so much for reading this story.I Praise God for all of you.I pray this story will grow your confidence and faith in Jesus.This chapter is especially on weaknesses.I pray God opens your eyes to see wonderful things in his Word(Psalms 119:17)

For a long time I've been battling with evil thoughts and torment about my past sins.It troubled me for so long,I even blamed and was hurt that God wouldn't take them away.You see they revealed my weaknesses.Before I was saved,I used to feel so strong and I hardly cried in front of people.Everything changed when I started realizing Jesus love for me(for everyone).You see I feel like a walking emotional machine.God made me feel again.Sin made me numb and emotionless.But before this realization I would ask God often to take the thoughts away(ps it's much better now,and it'll definitely get better for you.Continue too believe In Jesus).This verse applies greatly to anyone going through simular situations.When Paul in 2Corinthians asked God to take away the thorn in his(A thorn sent from satan to bother him) God answered"No.But I'm with you;that is all you need.My power shows up best in weak people"2Corinthians 12:9.
Then Paul realized without his weaknesses how could he depend on God's strength,so he concluded;"for when I am weak then I am strong-the less I have,the more I depend on him".2Corinthians 12:10
What I'm I saying,for long if you've felt nothing,Then when you got saved you felt more vulnerable and emotional.It's because your Alive again! For Jesus said"I have come so that they may have LIFE".
Please,I'm not saying you should give up on God delivering you."keep on asking,keep on seeking,keep on knocking".For if the Father gave you his own Son,he'll surely give you everything else that is for your good(See Romans 8:32).if you are sick or trusting God for healing.Don't give up,it's God's will for you to be healthy.I'm talking about you relying on Jesus completely not your health for the Word says"I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is"3John1:2
Keep trusting God,wait on him for"By His stripes you are healed" Isaiah 53:5

Dear Beloved of God please say this prayer"Lord Jesus,Son of the Living God,please help me to believe and realize;your not making me weak,your showing me my weakness.Not to hurt me,But to strengthen me.In the Mighty Name of Jesus,Amen!"

Thank you for reading,I pray you'll realize how much he loves you.Plus you can send me prayer requests! Have a Joyful Day.

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