Corroded Spirits: 29

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Chapter 29: Warning Sign

 "I suppose that is all for today. You may go back to your quarters, all of you." The ten humanoid Hollows all stood from the table and began to make their own exits out of their meeting room. Their commander, their leader, their self-acclaimed God.... Aizen lingered a bit longer in his seat, making Gin and Tosen wonder what was on his mind. He was circling the mouth of his tea-cup with his finger, eyeing a certain pallid Arrancar amongst the ten who were leaving for the door. "Ulquiorra?"

 The stoic Arrancar silently turned in his heel and faced his master with an inquiring look on his face, that only a certain-someone could discern. "Yes, Aizen-sama?" He replied coolly. The traitorous captain stared intently at the green-eyed Holow before him, noticing something quite 'off' about him. "Would you kindly sit down?" Aizen said, gesturing to the seat nearest him. Without replying, Ulquiorra curtly went to the seat, silently chosen by his lord. Aizen said nothing, for a very long time, causing question and confusion on Ulquiorra's end. The would-be God, just continued to circle the mouth of his tea cup.  "What is it, Aizen-sama?" Ulquiorra asked, when he could no longer take the silence.

 Aizen hummed to himself and smiled all the sudden. "Should there be any reason for me to want to talk to one of my children?" Aizen asked. "No.." Ulquiorra said, though it came out like a question, and that was how Aizen took it. "Don't you think so? It's been quite a while since we've last talked. At least face-to-face like this.. I suppose, that human girl has been keeping you quite busy." He knew that it shouldn't have. Even though he kept playing it in his mind that an encounter such as the one that was now happening would be unlikely (though not impossible), the innate consciousness of Ulquiorra's mind mentally prepared himself, if ever Aizen would question his duty regarding Orihime Inoue. And yet, he still found himself faltering.

 "In what way, milord?" He asked, trying to keep his voice in the same apathetic tone. "Oh.. Nothing at all.. I've just noticed that you've been spending a lot of time with her lately." Aizen said. Ulquiorra had to force himself not to move, not his eyes, hands, or anything else. "I am simply doing what you ordered me to do, Aizen-sama." He said. "I know.. I know.. And I could never have been more proud." There was something off. The way he said it. It felt... ominous. "I do hope that she is holding up all right.. The girl.." Aizen inquired. "She is.." Ulquiorra steeled his gaze on Aizen's own brown ones, somehow sensing that he was mentally demanding something from him.

 "And if she is not, I am to carry out any measure you told me I see fit to make her so." Ulquiorra said without faltering, earning a dark chuckle from his master. "Very good. Very good." The Shinigami stood up and walked a few paces to his right. "Though, she will no longer be our problem for long." He said. Ulquiorra sensed that it was a statement not meant to speak for, so he didn't. "Kurosaki Ichigo and his friends will be here soon. To retrieve her. And once we have them here, we will lock them up in these barren deserts along with her." He glanced to the Arrancar he was speaking to, and smirked at the obvious puzzlement on his stoic face. "I'm not following, milord."

 Aizen snapped his fingers and gazed unto his creation patiently. "I never intended Orihime Inoue to reverse the Hogyokou back to when it was at its most powerful, as I told you. It's quite obvious, given her personality, that she would try and find a way to destroy it, even with the pacifist that she is." He began. "No? Then what does she serve for?" Ulquiorra asked. "Bait. For her friends, and with luck.. Maybe even a few captains who just can't let a poor human girl go to the clutches of Hollows." He said. "I see." Ulquiorra said. "You will be equal to the task, won't you, Ulquiorra?" Aizen questioned. "What task, Aizen-sama?"

 There was no reply, and so Ulquiorra turned his head to look at his master. No one spoke, and no one moved. No one even blinked. The servant and his master just, stared at each other. "You may go now, Ulquiorra. You're charge needs to be tend to, if I recall." Aizen said, turning to his two subordinates. For some reason, Ulquiorra couldn't move. As much as he found it very preposterous and ridiculous, he found his fingers slightly shaking. Forcefully, he stood up and gave a bow as best as he could. As he walked out the exit, he could feel the heavy weight of his three commanders' stares at his back.

 He walked. For a signifcant distance. He stopped, making sure that no one else was in the corridor he was in, and then leaned weakly against the wall. He so very rarely did it. That moment when he'd have battled someone so vigorously and violently, that he was driven to a point of complete exhaustion. And he had lived that moment so very long ago, he can't even remember that person, or creature whom he had fought in that manner to make him so. But, here he was now, breathing shakily, gasping for breath, and simply over suggestive gestures and unsaid words from his master. It wasn't said, sure, but Ulquiorra, being a Hollow who spoke and acted in the same (more emotionless manner) knew it was there. Plainly there. For the first time, in his entire existance, Hollow and Arrancar.... Ulquiorra Schiffer felt fear.

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