Corroded Spirits: 35

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Chapter 35: Cruelest Act
 "All Captains of the Gotei 13 are to report immediately at the Sokyokou Hill. The Execution of the human Orihime Inoue is about to commence... All Captains of the Gotei 13 are to report immediately at the Sokyokou Hill. The Execution of the human Orihime Inoue is about to commence..." A Hell Butterfly, thoughtlessly announced throughout the whole perimeter of Seiritei. It sounded so wrong. So very wrong. And how was it not? The very reason was in the announcement.

 Although it was customary, all Captains had somehow telepathically ordered their vice-captains to stay in their designated barracks. To the second-in-commands, they thought it was just appropriate to have done so. For as much as they were loyal to their superiors, there was no part in their heart that they would be bear to see a human's life be taken away by their very hands.

 In certain parts of Seritei the 13 Captains were all starting to make their way to the Hill where the execution was to commence. When they arrived, all captains were already there except for the 4. The final toll of the ringing bell from the Hell Butterfly had finished, and at that moment, the accused came. Byakuya Kuchiki, Toshiro Hitsugaya, and Ukitake Jyushirou, lead by Retsu Unohana, was silently leading the one to be executed through the vast hill.
The very sight of her was sinful.

 Orihime still wore the tattered replica of her Arrancar uniform. The Squads no longer decided on changing it since it would just cause more problems that shouldn't be. So, now, within the long months of it being her attire, the once white uniform was now a worn-through black and red. It was the human's skin that was pale white, which contrasted the ominous appearance of her once delicate face. It was hard to read her. They weren't sure whether she was mad, upset, or just being brave.  She didn't look like anything. Not even the kind-hearted healer that they've come to known.

 The 4 captains stopped below the scaffold of the Sokyokou, not releasing their hold on the prisoner's bonds. The Captain Commander, standing by the scaffold, looked down unto the prisoner. There was no considering her a human, or a friend of the boy whom had saved Soul Society. To him, Orihime Inoue would only be another criminal to get rid of. "Present her unto the Sokyokou." The Commander ordered. The 4 captains followed wordlessly, moving the prisoner to stand under the wooden structure where she was about to die.

 Her captors released her bonds, and suddenly a wall of light shone down on her. Once again Sokyokou had accepted a soul to take. Orihime was slowly lifted into the air. All Captains looked up and watched as her bonds were shattered by the powerful Reiatsu coming from her executioner. It was so reminiscent to Rukia Kuchiki's own death penalty many months ago. Orihime's arms suddenly snapped up, spreading to their sides. The two cubes that served as her bonds formed themselves in the middle of her wrists. Yet, her face showed no emotion at all.

 As the Commander stepped forward to the scaffold a bit more, the spear of Sokyokou disappeared, and the fiery phoenix that was its' true form created itself before the accused and the spectators. "Orihime Inoue!!" The Commander called out to her in his loud voice. It practically echoed throughout the entire hill despite the eerie sound of the Sokyokou in the air. "Do you have anything else that you wish to say?" He asked, since it was customary for the accused to be given an opportunity to breathe their final words. Whatever it may be, and whomever it was to be spoken by. However, the accused, did not utter a word. She just hung her head and closed her eyes. "Very well, then." The Commander whispered to himself.

 As if it understood that there was no longer any other pleasantries to perform, the Sokyokou let out a shriek. The execution was about to commence. The enormous bird collected wind and pressure, spreading its' wings to their full length for everyone to marvel and despair. And with one stroke of them, the bird rushed at the scaffold, with a force to take a life.

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 "Where the hell is he?! He should be here by now!!" A very irritated voice whispered. That irritated voice belonging to that of Captain Hitsugaya. The real one, who was hiding in the secret training grounds that belonged to Kisuke Urahara and Yorouichi Shihoin. Not only he, but also with Captains Kuchiki, Jyushirou, and Unohana. All 4 of them had sent out the Gigais that Kisuke had given them, in place of their going to Sokyokou Hill. Therein, t'was imposters that had escorted the prisoner. And not only that, but it was also an imposter, that was dangling at the precipice of death under the mercy of Sokyokou.

 Byakuya looked away from the unconscious Orihime lying on the ground before them. It had to take all 4 of them to restrain her and to immobilize her, before they could individually cast the binding spells necessary for her to stay as she was. "We must remain patient. I'm surprised we have even managed to get this far into the plan." He said calmly. "There!" Ukitake cried, seeing a circle being mysteriously drawn in mid-air a few feet away from them. The circle was pulled away, as if it were a door, and the very man that they'd been waiting for appeared. "Apologies for my tardiness." Kisuke said.

 He came out from the hole of unknown and came towards the other captains. "What took you so long?" Toshiro asked impatiently. Kisuke bowed his head in apology. "I had to make sure that you succeeded in the first step." He said, now moving towards the unconscious healer that they'd all gathered for. Everyone watched as he inscpected her for a considerably long time. Scrutinizing every detail of her face, body, and everything else that had changed about her. Though, if anyone could say that her appearance and personality was frightening, Kisuke would beg to differ. It was the Reiatsu emanating from her, even in an unconscious state, that frightenend him. "It's getting worse. We must hurry." Kisuke stipulated, standing up.

 They all heard someone else come out from the hole that Kisuke had come out from. It was Sado Yasutora. "So you're here, too." Toshiro stated very quietly. The once-Ryoka only nodded his confirmation, and moved forward to join them. "Did you ordered your subordinates to stay at the barracks like I told you so?" Kisuke asked. The captains all confirmed. "I even included Rukia." Ukitake said, just so that they know. "Good. That'll be just in case." Kisuke replied. The final person to arrive from the hole finally came out, everyone turned around to see him. "Hurry now, Kurosaki-san. We must begin at once." Kisuke said. Ichigo looked at them all with the darkest glare they had ever seen him wear. He directed it for a moment to the girl, unconscious on the ground, before he said: "Let's do this."

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