Chapter one

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My name is Melinda Rose.

I'm Twenty years old and already I've left enough failed relationships behind. Most people would say get out your life and get a job.

But that isn't what I want.. I have a dream.. A dream that the real world cannot fulfill.

So when I met Alex Crawford.. I thought I'd hit the jackpot.

I spent days worrying how my family would react to him and praying hoping that they would accept him.

When really I should be worrying about who he is.. because little did I know it.. He would soon show his true colours.

But then again... He hasn't met me has he?.. He has no idea what he is letting himself in for.

This is my story in my own words and in my own views... I hope you'll enjoy reading my story little reader just as I have in writing it and getting my own kind of pay back.

It would also be interesting to see how you would react..I want you to read this as if you were in my shoes and think about if there is anything that you would've done differently?.

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