Chapter Five

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Caroline made it downstairs to see tons of people everywhere. The Lodge was packed. The sitting room had a few unrecognizable people, as did the lounge. There was people in the hot tubs. The sun had set so the patio was all lit up brilliantly with heat lamps. She decided to try her luck downstairs.

            The rec room was alive and the air electrifying. Everyone was playing games and dancing and partying. Caroline scanned the room for Shayna and spotted her with some of the boys. She was with Harry and Niall. Caroline relaxed when she realized that Liam was nowhere in sight. A part of her hoped he didn’t come, but another part of her hoped he did, and she felt a pang of guilt in her stomach. She shook it off and made her way towards them.

            They were at the bar and Carolines first thought is that she is pretty sure Niall and Harry are not old enough to drink yet. But she just laughed. Does it really matter? Harry and Shayna are laughing uncontrollably, his arm around her shoulders and an alcoholic drink in each of their hands. Niall is talking a mile a minute, probably the reason for their laughs. He was probably doing different accents as he told them jokes. Harry spotted Caroline and raised his arms in the air and ran to her, hugging her to him.

            “Caro!!! It’s great to see you! I’m so glad you and Shayna came, it’s been far too long!”

            Caroline smiled, flattered, but uncomfortable with the attention. She shouldn’t be, these boys were her friends. Maybe not the kind you see every day and hang out with all the time, but yes, they were friends. Harry put his arm around her and held his phone up above their heads, a huge goofy smile on his face and a confused one on Caroline’s.

            “You’re my best friend Caro! I’m putting that on instagram!”

            And with that he ran back over to Shayna and they began joking and laughing again. Niall came to her next, the sweetest boyish smile plastered on his face. He grabbed her by her shoulders and gave her a peck on the lips. “Great seeing you love!! Now lets have ourselves a good time, yeah?” In his hyperness he rushed back over to Harry and Shayna.

            Caroline laughed. She felt good and warm. She knew that these boys meant a lot to her, even if she never sees them. She realized she is glad that after the huge absence of them in her life that she is really happy to be with them again. Even if it’s for a short while.  Then Liam popped into her head and she got that guilty feeling again. Guilty because she had a man at home and she shouldn’t care about seeing another. But also guilty for the way she left him a year ago. Alone on that car. Then she started to feel an emptiness she couldn’t explain. The crowd started to overwhelm her and she decided that she wants to go outside.

            The air is absolutely bone chilling. She got goose bumps reaching down to her bone marrow. She could feel her ribs and teeth rattling with her shivers. But the sky was so beautiful. She felt like she had never seen so many stars before.  She walked farther out into the snow, into the dark loneliness of winter. She ignored her chattering and shivering and looked up at the sky, something that always comforted her. She tried to make sense of her feelings out in the dark, all alone in the cold. But she could not. All she knew is that her heart ached, and she felt disloyal. After being outside so long she couldn’t take the cold anymore and began to head inside. It may be early, but Caroline thought it was time for bed.


            The next morning Caroline woke up startled. She forgot where she was and her heart pounded out of her chest like a bird trying to escape it’s cage until she finally remembered. She was in Colorado, on some young celeb retreat. She had forgotten when she fell asleep, but her sleep had been solid and uninterrupted.

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