Maria Chapter 1

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Once upon a time their was a happy family who thought they had a good life until Maria knocked in their door ...........

" Dinner time"! My mom yelled. " Coming". Toby said from up stairs. "Ugh, coming". Dad said as he was getting off of the recliner . As they walked into the dinning room, mom asked Toby a question. " Hey Toby, were is Vanessa". " Um I think she is in her room talking to her boyfriend". Will you go get her, please." asked my mom all politely and stuff. " Fine, but if I puke your cleaning it up." " Deal." She replied. " Oh and tell Vanessa to tell her Kyle boyfriend that I know where he lives." My dad said. " That's a bit creepy." Toby replied. " James, let her have a little bit of fun. She's leaving for the Military in 2 Weeks." Mom said. As Toby walked up stairs, he remembered that Vanessa was leaving for the army in a couple of weeks. As he walked up stairs he shook the thought out if his head. "Vanessa, it is time for dinner." He said as he knocked in my door. "Kk." I replied. As we were walking down stairs he said ." Tell dad u told your boyfriend." "Told him what." I asked . " Don't even ask." He said. When we for down stairs I told dad that I told him. When I said that he had sort of a proud  look in his face. A couple hours after dinner someone knocked in our door . " Vanessa will.u please get that." My mom asked. " Fine, but u owe me." I said. As I walked toward the door it got cold. When I opened the door their was a women standing infront of me. " Hi, I am Maria your knew maid. " said the weird lady. " Ok......, come on in" I offered. As my mom showed her around, I walked up too my brothers room. " Hey, did you see the knew maid?" I asked Toby. " Ya, why? " "I don't know doesn't she seen a bit weird to you." I asked. " No, you jealous." He asked sarcastically. “  No she just seems weird and ever scince I saw her I felt like I was going to die  literally. I replied. " Let's get u too bed " he said. As we walked over to the door way I said " I don't fell so good". And then I fainted.

Maria Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang