Chapter 2

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I don't own hetalia


Taiwan woke up first because she was hungry. She got dressed and took her purse and also brought a camcorder. She walked out the apartment in Germany. She looked around the market. While she was walking around she saw a cute little bakery with pastries shaped out of animals. She walked towards the bakery and bought cookies and the animal pastries, she was really hungry so she took a bunny biscuit and ate it, she then noticed the girl she saw yesterday. She took her camcorder and record her. Taiwan was following the girl and saw she went to a building, she noticed the poster in the front door and it said 'Competition on world history, first prize €1,000, second prize €500, third prize was €250, anyone can enter the competition'. Taiwan walked in and saw her sitting in front so I sat behind her. When it started she wrote really fast and wrote about China , Japan and of course her country. At the end the girl got first place because she wrote about Italy, Germany, Japan, America, England,and more countries and Taiwan got fourth place. The girl left and Taiwan of course still recording her.

About this time

At the apartment everyone woke up and notices Taiwan was gone. Everyone went on a rampage but not Germany and Japan . They walked to the kitchen table an spotted the note and red it.

'Dear everyone

I've gone shopping. Don't look for me but look for me if its around 5

Ok, if this is Germany and Japan please tell everyone to calm down

I'm not kidnapped or anything

From Taiwan <3'

Germany stopped everyone and Japan told everyone she's okay and they calm down somehow.

Taiwan was following the girl and then she notice someone on a stage calling out to the girl and told her she can sing about 9 songs and the girl climbed up the stage. She chose the 9 songs. The songs were Anthems , Italy's , Germany's, Japan's, America's, England's, Canada's, France's, China's and Russia's. Everyone was amused by how the girl sang and the girl left the stage and walked away. Taiwan followed then she noticed some tough two boys following her. The girl noticed and ran away they also ran to her and Taiwan just followed. The girl was trapped in a alley way. The two boys hold both of her arms.

"You cannot run away" said one of the boys

"Heh you expect me to listen to you" said the girl while she appeared behind them

The two looked behind them and found her smiling.

"You guys are fools trying to kidnap me" said the girl while she jump up and kicked one of them in the face.

"You.........." said the other man while the girl kicked his crouch as he fell down in pain.

The girl covered there eyes and said "forget".

Taiwan hide herself in a shop so she won't find her. The girl left and Taiwan went back to her apartment.

"It's past 5 aru" said China panicking

"It's only 5:01" said Germany

In the Kitchen, Italy was making pasta of course he is.

"I'm going to find her" said Japan worried


China went to the door to open.

"Sorry, Xiao Mei is not here so could you please leave aru" said China with his eyes closed

"Oh okay China I'll be leaving" said Taiwan smirking

"Taiwan aru" said China jumping to her

China was hugging her to hard

"I like to ...stay alive" said Taiwan as she struggle to get out

"Oh sorry aru" said China

It was dinner time and we ate pasta ( of course Italy made it )

"Oh we going to have a world meeting in two days in Spain" said Germany

"China can I use your laptop?" asked Taiwan

"Of course but what for aru" said China

"Just for something" said Taiwan while finishing her dinner

Taiwan took China's laptop and her camcorder and left to her room and locked it so nobody could come in. Everyone was in silence but Italy interrupt and everyone started be lively again. Taiwan made the video of today as a movie and mostly did editing and add background music. She finished it in 2 am in the morning and she fell soundly a sleep.

By dinner time

Gaia was eating labskaus in a restaurant though she was still hungry. She went to the hill where she slept yesterday. She fell asleep.

~Gaia's Dream~

"You disrespectful woman" said a soldier

Gaia was walking around and saw the woman being treated rough by the soldier and noticed she was pregnant.

"Please stop my baby will die" said the woman weeping

"Heh no way you peasant" said another solider

"Get away from her" said Gaia

"You stop butting in" said the solider

Gaia kicked him to the wall the solider was going to gang up on her until the Roman Empire and Germania came.

"What's happening" said the Roman Empire while Germania brought the pregnant woman up

"That woman kicked me" said the solider pointed at Gaia

"You don't think I can't kick someone, I kick you because you were going to kill this woman's child" said Gaia glaring at the solider

"She's just a commoner , a peasant they should be treated like that" said the solider

"You solider get away disgraceful solider" said the Roman Empire

"Thank you sirs and miss" said the woman

"Your just a commoner so stop butting in other people's business " said the Roman Empire

"Shut up, don't talk to me like that Roman Empire and you Germania aren't you supposed to create an empire where peace is" said Gaia

"Don't talk us like that and how do you know us" said both the Germania and Roman Empire

"I can't tell, and my name is Gaia but I can't tell you who I am" said Gaia smirking

"But how" said Germania

"Sorry I can't answer but Goodbye see you again in the near future" said Gaia as she vanished

~End of Dream~

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