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Merry Christmas everyone and my followers


Narrator (which is me!)

It was already Christmas Eve. Somehow it was not snowing. Gaia woke up at 4 which she had to decorate the whole house. Gaia decorated the house with a lot of decorations. She even had a big christmas tree. It was hard to reach the top so she threw the ornaments and tinsel onto the tree. She ran to the kitchen and made chicken, pudding, mince pies and more stuff even though it was morning. Their was a lot of presents in a room because she didn't put up the tree so she brought the presents to the tree. The house felt like a warm comfortable. Everyone came down to see the house decorated.

"Happy Christmas Eve" She said as they felt tired somehow

"Where's the Christmas cheer" she said out loud until she felt a sharp pain everywhere in her body but she ignored because she didn't want anyone to be worried and to know who she was.

"Somehow all of our countries had different damages to our capital cities like their was and earthquake in Tokyo or a tornado in Washington D.C" said England

"So that's why" she mumbled

"Come on breakfast will get cold" she said

"I need to do work or my boss will get mad at me" said America as Gaia smirked

"No worries, I did them for you guys" said Gaia

"You what!?" Said all the countries

"I send them to your boss yesterday" she said as all of the countries phone's start ringing. It was their bosses. Gaia heard them gulp and they talked to their bosses.

After a few minutes

Everyone went back to the table and ate

"Hey Gaia, how did you do it" said America

"Did what" she respond

"Finished all of our papers. How do you even know every language? And our bosses said that we have a month vacationing because you ask them that by mimicking our voices and second you finished a months of work" said America as everyone nodded

"I just know, and also the paper work was easy" she said as they ate in an awkward silence until Aura interrupted

"Do you think it's going to snow" said Aura

"Of course. I can snow anywhere if you believe it can" said Gaia as Finland nodded

"I wonder if Santa will come this year" said Aura

"Why, you ask that Aura" said Gaia

"I do get present from Santa but my father always take them away from me" said Aura sadly as Gaia stared at Finland

"You will get presents this year, Aura" said Gaia as she smiled. Everyone finished eating and ask if they could hold a party in the ball room. Gaia nodded happily. Gaia was looking for Finland, she found him in the stables where Gaia had animals. She walked in to see 12 reindeers.

"Finland" she said

"Yes Gaia" said Finland

"Could I help you" said Gaia as he nodded. They both fed the reindeer together.

"I think their ready to go tonight" said Finland as she nodded

"Finland, do you know who I'm really am" said Gaia

"Nope not yet. But I do have a feeling that I met you somewhere" said Finland

"You will soon know" said Gaia as Finland nodded

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2013 ⏰

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