Chapter 2

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January 5th, 4:28 AM

Sam. Sammy. Samantha. Where are you? These last days have been torture without you, I don't care if I sound too dramatic. I have nobody, I go to school, come home, do homework, go to bed. Why do we have to be so far away? You know I was always bad at making friends, you were the only one I had. You understood, you could deal with my weirdness. 

January 6th, 12:16 AM

Hey, I'm hiding out in the library, I have no one to sit with at lunch, that much of a loser. Is everything okay? You don't pick up my calls or respond to my texts, I know its been less than a week, but still. We used to text everyday. Call me soon, please?

January 10th, 4:21 PM

Still friendless, still bored without you. Earlier today I tried to make you favorite cookies, chocolate chip almond. I burnt them. Sorry Sam. Maybe I'll try again next week.  Please, please, please, call, text, or heck, even write a letter. 

January 11th, 6:43 AM

Okay, so I've accepted that we may never talk again but I'm still going to leave these. Kinda like a recording of my life, or if you DO listen to these, than, messages from me, hopefully still you favorite person. I think for once, I've done something useful, or maybe not, I climbed on my roof and watched the sunrise from there, we did that together, remember? And then we fell asleep and I was grounded for a week. I don't regret it though, I don't regret anything with you. Bye Sam, later.

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