Chapter 1

989 14 2

Y/n -your name

H/c -hair color

E/c- eye color

Liam-sons name (if for some reason your name is Liam, you can change it ;))



I looked at an old picture book that coby had given me before he left. It was hard, but I had to look through it to keep my hopes up that one day, he will return. Liam is now 3 years old and hasn't seen his dad for 2 years, so I doubt he knows who his dad even is.

I stood up and walked over to Liam. "hey bud, it's time to take a bath." I said as I pet his soft pink hair. He looked up at me with big e/c eyes and nodded his head. He put his arms in the air, signaling that he wanted to be picked up. I did just that and walked down the hallway. "Do your remember your dad? " I asked my son. He just shook his head sideways, signaling that he didn't. "Maybe you will meet him when he comes back from training." I said. "Twaining foe what?" Liam asked me looking at me with his e/c eyes. I put him down and was about to answer when there was a knock at the door. "Stay here okay? I'll be right back" I kissed the top of his head and ran down the stairs. I walked closer to the door and opened it. "Long time no see" a male voice said. I looked up at him in disgust. "Go away max" I said and put force on the door to close it. Max only pushed his way through the door and broke it halfway off its hinges. "MAX WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" I screamed at him as he got closer. " I came to get MY son. " he replied. "Your son?!? YOUR SON!? YOUR NOT EVEN HIS REAL FATHER!!! HELL, YOU NEVER EVEN KNEW I HAD A CHILD!" I yelled trying to get between him and Liam. "I DONT GIVE A SHIT" he raised his hand and hit me hard in the side of my face. I hit a wall and blood trickled down my face. "Momma? " a soft voice echoed through the hallway. I looked up to see max walking trowards Liam. "Max-please!" "IM GOING TO TAKE HIM AWAY FROM YOU SO YOU CAN FOCUS ON ME AND NOT THAT MARINE BASTARD!" "my husband isn't a bastard.... He's far from it and you know that." I said rather calmly. He grabbed Liam by the back of his shirt and started to walk out of the door. I got up and ran after him. I grabbed his arm and scratched him. "GET OFF ME YOU BITCH " he yelled. "That's my wife you just called a bitch" a smooth, semi-deep voice said. I looked over to see coby standing in the doorway. Max put Liam down and walked over to coby. "So your the bastard that fucked my girlfriend?" He said. Coby only looked at him. Max raised his fist and was about to punch Coby, but he dodged and hit him in the side of the face. "Y/n take Liam and go upstairs !" Coby said as he got into a fight with max. I picked up Liam and ran up the stairs with him. I locked the door to the bathroom and hid with Liam in the tub.

About 6 minutes later Coby came up and softly knocked on the door. "Y/n? Are you ok?" He asked with a hint of fear in his voice. I opend the door and threw myself at him. I hugged him and he hugged back. "It's been to long " I said he only nodded. "Liam, you said you didn't remember your dad right?" He nodded "come here !" He walked over and Coby gave him a hug. I'm so glad he is alive and well.

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