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Chapter 1

I snuck into bed with my clothes on. I pulled the covers up to my chin. My mom walked in.

"Emilee, I'm sorry you couldn't go to that party. Maybe next time you'll listen to me and do your chores." she said.

"Of course, Mom. I wasn't thinking. It won't happen again." I replied.

"Good. Now lights out. You have a big day tomorrow," she returned and closed the door behind her. I got up and locked the door and propped my chair up behind it. I slipped on my shoes. Then I slowly peeled up the netting on my window and crept out. I slid down the roof and landed on my feet. It was a twenty-foot drop, but I always landed on my feet.

I ran out the gate and met my best friend, Jett, standing there. He wore black pants and a black t-shirt. He had a black leather jacket and black sneakers. I wore tight black jeans, a black tank top, and black combat boots. My fiery red hair was tied back into a ponytail. Jett smiled as I ran up.

"Hey, Jett," I said. He nodded. Jett didn't like to talk. We ran to the forest boundaries, where we climbed a fence and kept running. Soon we got to a cave. Jett pulled out his flashlight and we began walking into the cave. At the end, we came face to face with identical girls. Siamese twins. Both had white-blonde hair and brown eyes and wore short black dresses. Both had long, red nails and black heeled boots. They didn't look like they were scary, but I guessed they could be.

"Newbies. Ha!" the girls said in unison. "Names?"

"Uh, I'm Emilee and this is Jett." I answered.

"Here, we speak for ourselves, Emilee," they spat at me. They walked over to Jett. Their feet went: left, right, left, right... together, perfect unison. "Jett? Eh?" They exchanged satisfied glances. "Your grandfather will be happy to know you came." Jett continued looking forward; however, I was extremely confused.

"Grandfather? Jett? What are they talking about? Where are we? You said you needed to tell me something... important?" Jett shook his head in dismissal. I scanned his face for some sign of... well, anything. Then I realized he was tapping his fingers in Morse Code.

Dot, dash, dot. Dot, dot, dash. Dash, dot. I thought for a moment. Run! So I took off, sprinting. I figured I ran for at least thirty minutes without losing breath. It was pitch black, but I could somehow see perfectly. I knew the twins were exactly sixty feet behind me and Jett was running the opposite way. Jett! What is going on? I thought in confusion and fear. Then I stopped. I jumped. And I was in a tree. The twins scratched the bottom.

"We'll get you, Emilee. We will."

InhumanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora