what lies under

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"One day, you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again."
C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia



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There is a whole other world underneath the lake.

Or at least, that's what Claire's grandmother always said.

Claire always assumed she meant the fishes.

Claire's mother always assumed Grandma Jo had gone off the deep end. (Pun intended.)

Claire may have agreed, if Grandma Jo's favourite saying hadn't been in their family for generations.

All it took was a long walk of a nonexistent pier for Claire to realise that perhaps, Grandma Jo wasn't so crazy after all.

All it took was three seconds for her to realise she had no idea how to explain to anyone back home what really lies under.

Or how to get back, for that matter.

Too bad everyone back home thinks she drowned.



>this is a work of fiction. With fictional characters and a fictional world. Not all lakes lead to other dimensions. Sorry.

>any resemblance to characters from other books, slash real life is purely coincidental. Probably.

>copyrights and such still apply.

>plagiarism is bad. Don't be bad. Be good. By not copying my work. And by informing me of anyone who does. Mercy buckets (colloquial slang for French term 'merci beaucoup').

>as this book is a rough draft there are likely to be mistakes. Beware grammar nazis, beware. It's a dangerous grammatically error filled world out there.


©Carmen 2016


the magic

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