Escaping reality

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For those of you who don't know what a slam poem is, it's technically just like your talking to someone but you have to use metaphors and sometimes rhyme. It should also be about something emotional or troubling but mostly about what you feel about something. For example some people write about depression or being gay or too "fat" or too "skinny" and stuff like that.

Any ways hope you enjoy!

With my hair sprawled over my pillow and my nose tucked in between its pages I think to myself, this is bliss. I think that wow, this is my escape. My escape from reality, and in my mind I think of how portentous it looks on my shelf surrounded by many others. In my mind I'm happy to know that it will always be there for me when I get home. I put away important things just to twirl around in its astonishing sentences, even flirting with the idea of staying up all night and enjoying it's wondrous people and places. Enjoying the sent that comes off of it every time I flip a page. The way the letters are spread across it in bold black Inc. How it just draws me in.

Sometimes we need fantasy to escape reality. I'm insane but they keep me sane, as sane as I'll ever manage to be, and that's OK. Ive searched and searchd for an escape in crowds, in empty fields and soaring clouds. In city lights and passing cars, on winding roads and wishing stars. I wondered where it could be now, for years I've not mentioned it aloud.

But let me tell you this, once apon a time I opened a book, inhaling the sent of its fresh and flowing pages. The way it looked resting in my hands, it's words drawing me in the way nothing else can. I fell in love right then and there. Standing with it in my hands i felt like I was in the air. It endured me to escape without even trying, all it took was the simple motion of opening a book and letting yourself get drawn in. Into the worlds where so much happens and sometimes it's not happily ever after. But at least it's not reality .

When people ask me whats wrong, I simply say, I'm just tired. Go to bed eirlier they tell me you could use some sleep. But you see that's not what I mean when I say I'm just tired. I don't mean I'm tired from lack of sleep, I'm tired of reality and all the crazy things that come with it. Taking a nap won't help me, neither will going to bed eirlier. Opening a book and living inside it is what's going to help me, and belive me, when I say I'm just tired, on the inside I'm doing whatever I can to get my hands on a book. To just inhale it's sent and let it devoure me into its own world, it's own people and places. Stories and lies. Love and hatred. Happiness and frendship. Filled with majestic fantasies and substantial truths.

Escaping reality is a way to unchain myself and doing it this way, I can live a thousand life's and not just one. A thousand lives where I can find splendent stories and people just like me.

Books are objects and there's nothing wrong with loving lots of them, and when people tell me I'm addicted to books I tell them, no I'm adiccted to escaping reality.

Reality is like a puzzle waiting to be solved. And my solution to solve that puzzle is to open a book and escape into its phenomenal wonders.

Imagine a tree whose leaves have just blossomed, but with one gust of wind a single leaf falls. Slowly swishing down to the ground. But thankfully its not alone. It's got a beautiful bed of grass surrounding it. Keeping it safe from all of the leafs above. That leaf. That's me. Fading from reality and falling to my beautiful grass. That beautiful grass would be a book. Keeping me safe from the reality that I dread.

That's it! Hope you liked it.

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Maybe I'll start writing more poems.

With all my writing love to my wonderful fans


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