Chapter five

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Louis and I had been talking for hours, until Louis randomly said that he was hungry and wanted to know if I was as well.

"Yea I am actually."

"Well good cause I am too" Louis said getting off the couch and going to the kitchen. Shortly after I got up and followed.

"Why are you in here I wanted to surprise you, shoo" Louis said without turing around. I put my hands up in surrender, forgetting Louis wasn't looking at me and went to go sit back down.

I checked my phone while waiting for Louis to come back.
no new messages
I unlocked my phone and checked Instagram quickly. Louis came back a few minutes later. He handed me a plate with avocado on toast.

"Here you go, sorry I really need to go to the store" Louis said while handing me the plate of food.

"Do you want a thing to drink?"

"Sure, water please?" Taking a bite

"Okay I'll be right back, how is it?"

"It''s good actually"

"that's good"

"shoot" I said seeing the clock across the room


"it's 10 o'clock, I've had a lovely time but time has really slipped away. I would love to see you again soon, but I have to be work in the morning. Thanks for everything" I said while grabbing my belongings and seeing myself out.

"Wait" Louis yelled out for me and rushed to catch me. He opened the door and ran to find me. Louis took my hand "you forgot to kiss me goodbye." And he grabbed me by the nape of the neck and brought our lips together in a short lived but romantic kiss. I was the first to pull away, speechless. I looked at Louis and smiled and then kissed him again. Louis put his hands on my hips and pulled me in closer as I put my hands behind Louis head and slid my fingers through his hair. We kissed innocently for a few minutes and then I licked Louis bottom lip and the kiss deepened.

Louis had to pull away

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Louis had to pull away. He was out of breath, firstly, and secondly he couldn't keep kissing me.

"I think that was the best goodbye kiss I've gotten" I said jokingly.

Louis laughed and pecked me on the lips before going back to his apartment. I stood at the same spot Louis had kissed me and smiled.

I walked back to my apartment and unlocked the door. I found my way to my bedroom and flopped on the bed. I quickly got up when the bed was hard and I heard a yelp. I ripped the covers off the bed. "Niall what the hell are you doing here!!?"

"I'm sorry, I'm leaving" Niall said sadly.

"Um..yea, I don't think so"


"look at you, have you been crying? Your cheeks are stained. You came over here to talk to me and I wasn't here, that's it isn't it? I'm such a bad friend" I said the last part under my breath.

"Harry your not a bad friend, yes I did need someone to talk to but you're here now and that's all I need at this very moment."

"Okay Ni, come here" I said as I gave him a hug

"Okay Ni, come here" I said as I gave him a hug

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"Can we cuddle?" Niall asked sweetly.

"Yes, bread we can" I said mocking Niall. He rolled his eyes and lied back down.

I undressed and put on sweats. I got into bed, putting the covers over Niall and I. We cuddled and fell asleep.

I was awoken by the sound of my alarm. I sleepily hit snooze and cuddled back into Niall's hair. After the alarm went off for the second time I slid my arm out from Niall. Niall whined and cuddled more into the bed.

I sat up and got up to get ready. I was making myself eggs and eating a banana when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and there stood Louis.

"Oh..hi, come in" I said surprised.

"Sorry for coming here weirdly, I know you have work but I wanted to see you."

"It's cool" I said motioning for Louis to sit down. "I'm making eggs, you want any?"

"If you don't mind"

"okay, I'll make everyone some then"



"and other than us who is there?" Louis said protectively.

"Oh.. Right you don't know about him. Well you do but you don't. I'm g-"

"Harry rambling." Louis said sternly, cutting me off.

"Sorry, it's a bad habit."

"It's okay."

"I'll go wake him up for breakfast, I'll be right back" walking to my bedroom. "Niall... Niall I made breakfast."

I only got a grunt from him so I crawled on the bed and started tickling him. Niall whipped around to look me in the eyes, giving a death stare.

"I wouldn't have to wake you up like this if you weren't such a heavily sleeper."

We snapped out of the moment when they heard a banging sound come from the other side of the apartment.

I got up and Niall followed. Grabbing my hand on the way to the other side of the apartment. Louis was sat on the bar stool.

"Care to explain?" Louis questioned sternly.

"He's the guy that passed out at the bar"

"why is he holding your hand and hiding behind you?"

"Because you're being weird and so what I've only known you for a couple of days and not even that well and to be quite honest your being scary, Oh and both of us hate being yelled out so I'm am going to kindly ask you to leave and I will have this conversation with you later. If I'm not close behind you I'm gonna be late for work"

"okay whatever bye" Louis said disappointed in himself for snapping at me like that.

"Bye, Niall I love you and you can stay here as long as you like and I will be home from in a couple of hours" I said kissing Niall on his temple

"bye, I love you too" he said waving bye sleepily to me.


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