*Pick up line fails*

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Tony: "I feel like a library card, since I've been totally checking you out!"
You: "Did you also notice that I was a best seller? Currently taken."
(This is when you first went out)

Bruce: "My favorite planet is Uranus"
You: "Mines Pluto." (You didn't get the joke till later)

Steve: "On a scale of one to America, how free are you tonight?"
You: "North Korea"
(Sorry if I offended anyone with this joke. Wasn't intentional)

Thor: "The man of iron has told me that kissing burns 4.7 calories...wanna burn some calories?"
You: "Are you saying I should loose weight? Are you calling me fat?"
Thor: "No! No you are prefect just they way you are."
You: "Whatever, hammerhead. And kissing doesn't burn calories. I thought Tony would be smart enough to know that but I guess not."

Loki: "You are so beautiful, that you made me forget my pickup line."
You: "no I think you just aren't smart enough to think of a good one"

Clint: "the longest arrow I have isn't in my quiver you know *wink*"
You:"Yeah cause i took it out and shoved it up your ass"
Clint: ._____.

Pietro: "(Y/N) are you okay?
You: "yeah I'm fine. Why?"
Pietro: "I thought you might have been hurt when you fell out of heaven"
You: "Actually I did scrape my knee climbing out of hell"

Bucky: "Plums aren't the only thing I like to eat"
You: "do you like eating cheese too? Cause that was a really cheesy pick up line"

**Avengers Preferences and Scenarios** Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora