*what he loves most about you (looks)*

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Your booty. Obviously. This is Tony we are talking about here. No further explanation needed.

Your hair. He loves it when you are nervous and you twirl your hair with your fingers. He always likes to run his fingers through your hair (if you have curly hair then he likes to play with the curls).

Your smile. It can light up an entire room. When you smile at him, it melts his heart. That's also why he hates it when you are sad. He can't see your beautiful smile.

Your eyes. They are the most gorgeous things he has ever seen. The (Y/E/C) (your eye color) orbs fit perfectly with your personality and he loves it. He especially loves it when your wear colors that bring out your eyes. He would just stare at them all day is he could, but that would look so creepy.

Your laugh (idk if this counts as looks/ exterior but i will count it) Your laugh is the most beautiful laugh he has ever heard. Even if you snort here and there, he finds that even cuter. He loves making you laugh and smile.

Your arms (ik weird). Your arms are the perfect length and when you draw back a bow, he basically Melts like the wicked witch of the west. Your arms have just enough muscle and just enough bone and just enough skinniness. Poor little birdie can't handle all that.

Your lips. They are the perfect shape and shade. When you lick your lips, he looks like a kid in a candy store. He wants some sugar if ya know what I mean. (HEHEHEHEHEHEH)

Your hips. They are just wide enough and just slim enough and he could just wrap his arms around your waist. When you sway your hips to music or just swaying them awkwardly, he fights the urge to just make out with you. Right then and there. Sometimes, he can't fight the urge.

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